In chapter 2 I introduce the preparation of entanglement and the linear optical devices.
We study the projection measurement of the entangled output states generated by beam splitter.
Entanglement, first noted by Einstein et. al., is an essential feature of quantum mechanics.
We study the spontaneous emission and quantum entangled state of the system in which a two-level atom interacts with electromagnetic field.
We study the spontaneous emission and quantum entangled state of the system in which a two level atom interacts with electromagnetic field.
The second is controlled exchange of quantum entangled state of three two-level particles GHZ state and a W state.
It plays an important role in the field of quantum information and is also the foundation of quantum computation.
It is also shown that there are some nonclassical states that do not show nonlocality.
Since the concept of quantum entanglement was proposed by Schrodinger in 1935, people have paid more and more attention to it.
Lately, with the vigorous development of quantum information, quantum entanglement states has been widely applied in each field of quantum information.
那些具有量子纠缠态链接的光量子 -测量其中之一产生的变化,另一个也会即刻发生相应的变化。
Those photons, sharing their quantum link, can be separated and remain identical – a change in the measurement of one affects a change in the measurement of the other.
Quantum entangled states were adopted for describing intelligence states, and setting up the quantum model to evaluate students learning.
Quantum entangled states were adopted for describing intelligence states, and setting up the quantum model to evaluate students' learning.
Quantum communication is an important branch of quantum information science, mostly involving quantum teleportation, quantum dense coding, quantum secret share, quantum key distribution, and so on.
A new study says string theory can be tested by observing the behavior of entangled quantum particles.
A new study says string theory can be tested by observing the behavior of entangled quantum particles. Wikipedia.
Once entangled, a photon can carry any information stored in the atom's quantum state to other parts of the computer.
这个神秘的“纠缠”性质,在通信领域具有深远的应用潜力,如量子密码学 ,量子计算和量子隐态传输 。
This mysterious property, known as “entanglement”, has far reaching application potential in information fields such as quantum cryptography, quantum computation and quantum teleportation.
This mysterious property, known as entanglement, has far reaching application potential in information fields such as quantum cryptography, quantum computation and quantum teleportation.
One approach to quantum computing relies on entangling photons and atoms, or binding their quantum states so tightly that they can influence each other even across great distances.
Dr Shields's photon detector, however, permits cryptographers to use a phenomenon called quantum entanglement to make a repeater that does not destroy quantum states.
We investigate separability and measure of entanglement for quantum states.
However, by utilizing quantum entangled states as its kernel physical resource, it does realize all required functions of the genuine quantum computer.
For the bipartite entangled state representation in quantum optics, the author present a new approach to analyze its expression in Fock space.
When vacuum state is injected into one input port while odd coherent state is injected into another, quantum entanglement is generated at the output ports.
Under the time evolution in a vacuum thermal reservoir, quantum nonlocality of the two kinds of entangled states decreases gradually and disappears finally.
This part introduces two general methods to calculate the quantum nonlocality of entangled coherent states.
This part introduces two general methods to calculate the quantum nonlocality of entangled coherent states.