Objective: to provide anatomical evidences for the morphological and histological identification of 20 medicinal species in Hypericum.
Methods: Attenuation Reflection-Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry with clustering analysis was used to the identification of Aarons beard.
利用扫描电镜比较观察金丝桃属9组1 7种1变种和三腺金丝桃属2种植物叶表皮的微形态。
The epidemic micro morphology of 9 sections, 17 species 1 variety in Hypericum and 2 species in Triadenum was comparatively observed with the help of scanning electron microscopy.
Method: Morphological and anatomical study on the organs of 20 medicinal species in Hypericum using tissue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning.
Survey on the botanical resources in Sichuan province has been conducted. It is concluded that 22 species in 5 sections of Hypericum are for medicinal use.
Aim to find the basis in morphology that herbs have hypericin while xylophyta have not hypericin in Hypericum L., and to provide the basis for developing plant resources in Hypericum.
In this paper, an overview was made on studies of medical plants in genus Hypericum, and some Suggestions were provided on studies and applications of medical plants of the genus in China.
In this paper, an overview was made on studies of medical plants in genus Hypericum, and some Suggestions were provided on studies and applications of medical plants of the genus in China.