• CRF患者注意监测以便进行针对性预防治疗

    In order to prevent and cure CRF, the content of serum Al should be monitored.


  • 进一步研究有助于寻找发现针对性预防治疗HSV感染方法药物

    The further research will help to seek and find new methods or drugs preventing and treating HSV infection.


  • 因此极大多数调查中心采用预防性抗真菌治疗大多数采用针对性预防

    Thus, a vast majority of the surveyed programs employ antifungal prophylaxis and most use targeted prophylaxis.


  • 目的探讨老年患者下呼吸道感染常见病原菌分布状况,制定针对性预防控制措施

    OBJECTIVE to study the distribution and drug resistance of nosocomial infection pathogens from lower respiratory tract in senile patients and give draft preventive and control measures.


  • 目的徐州市急性中毒现况进行流行病学分析,并进一步探索原因,提出针对性预防措施

    Objective To analyse the current status of acute poisoning in Xuzhou by epidemiology, exploring its causes and providing preventive measures.


  • 结论泌尿外科住院患者医院感染发生率较高影响因素较多针对上述因素予针对性预防措施

    Conclusion Urology hospitalized patients with urinary infection factors affecting higher rate more, should be aimed at the above factors to specific preventive measures.


  • 只有趁年轻时尽早进行有针对性治疗才能有效预防日后大面积病症爆发……否则将来会病入膏肓

    Only early targeted treatment in the young will effectively prevent the risk of increasingly largely proportions of severely ill...patients in the future.


  • 结论根据疾病谱分析结果危险因素进行有针对性的干预预防有助于提高医院工作人员健康水平

    Conclusion: According the analysis results of disease pattern, the application of specific prevention and intervention measures for the risk factors may be raise the health level of medical workers.


  • 方法:对186发热患者进行分期中医辨证心理口腔皮肤实施针对性护理预防并发症的发生。

    Methods :186 patients with fever were phased, TCM, mental, oral, skin and so the implementation of specific care, prevention of complications.


  • 结论偏头痛发作血小板激活释放有关,给予针对性预防治疗具有重要意义

    Conclusion the attack of migraine has something connected with the activation and the release of the platelet, so it is important to give therapy and prevention.


  • 本文就大学生犯罪的社会原因个体原因进行粗浅分析,提出针对性预防措施。

    In this paper, its social and individual causes are analyzed and the precautions against it are proposed.


  • 社会来说正在流行人们知道实情可能避免无知镇定”,进行针对性预防

    From the society for, armour shedding is in popular, people knows truth, just may avoid "ignorant aplomb", undertake the precaution of specific aim.


  • 结论针对剖宫产产妇术后发生寒战相关因素,进行有针对性预防护理措施,可降低剖宫产术后寒战的发生率

    Conclusion Pertinent to those correlation factors of incurrence of algor, preventive nursing measures man lower the rate of algor.


  • 结论同时采用防止受凉吸烟,佐其他针对性自我防护措施预防急性发作方法

    Conclusion Preventing cold and no smoking with other self-prevention measures were good measures to prevent the acute attack of chronic bronchitis.


  • 只有科学地分析表现特征及其形成原因采取针对性预防措施才能控制减少矿井地质灾害造成损失

    Only making scientific analysis on its representative features and forming causes and adopting corresponding preventive measures can control or reduce the losses of the mine geological hazard.


  • 建议以后的教学训练课外活动中采取针对性预防措施

    The paper suggests that preventive measures should be taken in teaching, training and extracurricular activities.


  • 目的了解开胸术后并发下肢静脉血栓性静脉炎的相关因素,有针对性加强预防

    ObjectiveTo find out the correlative factors of thrombotic phlegmasia complication in lower limb after thoracotomy and to strengthen the corresponding precautions.


  • 目的了解分析老年脑血管病跌倒患者平衡能力,提出针对性护理措施,指导临床预防跌倒,保证护理安全

    Objective to investigate the ability of balance in the elderly with stroke and fall, and to advice corresponding nursing procedure so as to prevent fall and guarantee patient safety.


  • 研究结果结合具体的隧道工点调查,可以穿越黄铁矿地层隧道混凝土病害整治预防提出针对性很强的工程措施。

    The research, along with specific site investigations, provides helpful guide for renovation and prevention of concrete lining erosion in tunnels passing through pyrite-bearing strata.


  • 目前尚无针对性预防手足口病其他脊髓灰质炎病毒感染手段,但是,如采用正确的个人卫生措施可以降低感染风险

    Specific prevention for HFMD or other non-polio enterovirus infections is not available, but the risk of infection can be lowered by good hygienic practices.


  • 简要介绍了现代技术轴承早期预防措施,以便早发现预防,有针对性搞好检修工作

    Early prevent measure of modern technology to bearing is introduced, to find in time and do servicing work well.


  • 目的探讨血肿清除术后颅内再发血肿原因,从而针对性的制定预防措施减少术后再发血肿发生率。

    Objective To explore the recurrence of intracranial hematoma following the surgical treatment and to prevent and reduce it.


  • 采用文献资料法逻辑分析法,从内因外因两个方面分析了球迷暴力行为产生的原因,并对如何预防球迷暴力行为提出针对性措施对策。

    The interior and exterior reasons for football fans violence were discussed by documentation and logical analysis, and the preventive methods and countermeasures were put forward.


  • 目的建立数学模型每个手术病例进行预测,确定出外科手术部位感染(ssi)高危病例,及早采取针对性预防措施,减少预防ssi的发生。

    OBJECTIVE to design a mathematic model and to calculate and forecast highly risk surgical site infection (SSI) cases in order to prevent the surgical site infection and reduce the rate of SSI.


  • 本文调查了大学生自杀预防危机干预现状,并对特点不足进行了探讨,最后提出针对性建议。

    This paper conducted a survey on Prevention and Intervention of College Students' Suicides. Its characteristics and shortcomings were discussed and then some useful Suggestions were put for word.


  • 分析了水泥混凝土结构变形裂缝产生原因影响因素并提出针对性防治措施,可有效预防变形裂缝的产生。

    The causes and influential factors of cracks in concrete structure are analyzed in this paper and the corresponding preventing measures are put forward.


  • 结合火灾案例实验数据,分析地下建筑火灾特点针对性提出预防火灾的对。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of fires in the underground buildings and raises some measures against them based on the fire cases and experiment data.


  • 方法对本院110肛瘘手术患者恢复期根据具体情况,基础护理基础重视预防并发症给予针对性心理指导

    Methods: the 110 cases as surgery patients, according to its recovery in the foundation, on the basis of the nursing value to prevent complications, and give the specific psychological guidance.


  • 分析总结了离子膜出现鼓泡原因提出针对性预防措施建议

    The reasons of bulling were analysed, and the typical countermeasures and suggestions were put forward.


  • 根据不同群体特点采取有针对性干预预防措施

    Pertinent intervention and prevention measures should be taken according to different population features.


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