要在不使用VERITAS的情况下镜像和使用LVM,就必须让这些文件系统受s VM控制。
To mirror and use LVM without VERITAS, you would have to bring these filesystems under the control of SVM.
Walrus is the persistent secondary storage which is used by the node controllers to store their VM images and sometimes to store data.
Image planes minimize noise caused by currents switching through stray inductance, help control noise caused by crosstalk and reflections.
This is complemented by a stage machine composed by kinetic mirrored elements that echo the pattern of the network even in the control room.
These were purified and stuffed with a form of HIV that had been altered to carry a mirror image or "antisense" version of a molecule that enables it to multiply.
An unstable process is transformed into a minimum-phase system through mirror-injection, then solve the robust controller using closed loop gain shaping algorithm.
在“形状的结合”系列中 Young KyuYoo 试图唤起多面镜像的对比效果,线和形的互动关系,甚至是不在时间四维空间控制下的状态。
For the project "Combine of Shapes", Young Kyu Yoo wants to evoke effects of mirrors, interactions of lines and shapes, and sometimes the stages unruled by the fourth dimension of time.
The robust hovering controller for helicopter was designed using mirror-injection method and closed-loop gain shaping algorithm.
The robust hovering controller for helicopter was designed using mirror-injection method and closed-loop gain shaping algorithm.