• 这种训练不会长久效果。

    The training was of no lasting value.


  • 我们大家祝愿退休生活长久幸福

    We all wish you a long and happy retirement.


  • 我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后决定搬家

    We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.


  • 真正想要尽可能长久、健康地活着

    What I really want is to live healthily for as long as possible.


  • 我们曾有长久愉快而富有成效关系

    We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.


  • 干什么工作都不能长久终于无法忍受。

    His inability to stay at one job for long had finally proved too much for her.


  • 政府知道他们王牌尽可能长久地使用

    The administration knows that's their trump card and will keep playing it as long as they can.


  • 病魔长久折磨下表现出了高度的尊严刚毅

    He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.


  • 尽管地理相连两个长久以来都在政治优势而竞争。

    Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.


  • 最后一点理解为对位领导人之间长久敌意一种影射

    This last point was understood to be an allusion to the long-standing hostility between the two leaders.


  • 这些政策对于解决长久以来广泛地影响美国全球竞争力问题没什么作用。

    Such policies will do little to resolve long-standing problems more broadly affecting America's global competitiveness.


  • 它们反映了他们长久以来的愿望

    They mirror their long cherished wishes.


  • 打算在这儿长久住下去

    He is thinking of living here permanently.


  • 金钱到的东西不能长久地给带来快乐

    The things that money can buy can not bring happiness to a person for long.


  • 年轻人天性轻松愉快,可能长久地被抑制。

    The elastic heart of youth cannot be compressed into one constrained shape long at a time.


  • 说明长久以来,智力障碍人们受到了平等的对待。

    The explanation is that, for a long time, mentally handicapped people were not regarded as equal.


  • 一次长久注视挑起眉毛暗示酒吧里碰到兴趣。

    A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person who comes across the bar that you're interested in .


  • 我们输了失败一直造成南方人长久深刻苦痛记忆根源

    We lost. Failure has always been the source of long-lasting deep and painful memories of the people of the South.


  • 相比过去人们更好地获得医疗保障,因此他们寿命会更长久

    People have better access to health care than they used to, and they are living longer as result.


  • 长久以来,人类骨骼认为依照骨质经受压力不断构建消灭细胞

    It has long been known that the human skeleton constantly constructs and destroys cells, according to the stresses that its bones experience.


  • 那天现在长久疲倦——整整两年,皮诺乔就像两个世纪

    From that day to this, two long weary years—two years, my Pinocchio, that has been like two centuries.


  • 照镜子时,我为自己感到骄傲,即使是那些长久以来似乎不可能的“破碎”的部分

    When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am even those "broken" parts that for so long seemed impossible to love.


  • 长久以来,许多都接受了“男性大脑女性”大脑的存在并认为几乎可以解释所有性别差异

    Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are "male" and "female" brains, believing that explains just about every difference between the sexes.


  • 象征意义可能来自橄榄树需要时间才能结出果实所以橄榄只能长久和平时期才能成功种植

    The symbolism may come from the fact that the olive tree takes a long time to produce fruit, so olives could only be cultivated successfully in long periods of peace.


  • 坟墓费用如此之高,以至于大多数选择一个坟墓3甚至遗体挖出之后,仍然不能长久地安息

    The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed.


  • 恰好证实了长久以来所说的。

    This just proves what I have been saying for some time.


  • 此刻处于长久以来未达到的统治地位

    Right now you're in a more commanding position than you have been for ages.


  • 以此谋生长久之计

    It's not a very secure way to make a living.


  • 科尔长久以来一直被誉为葡萄酒贸易之都。

    Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade.


  • 科尔长久以来一直被誉为葡萄酒贸易之都。

    Colmar has long been considered the capital of the wine trade.


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