• 发明方法处理陈化烟叶,呈现出同天然陈化的熟成烟叶相似烟雾味道特性

    Unaged tobacco treated by the method of the present invention exhibits smoke and taste characteristics similar to those of naturally-aged, cured tobacco.


  • 本文概要分析大米陈化机理,对当前采用改良陈米及低品质米的方法做了详细的介绍

    This article generally analyses the mechanism of old rice. At the same time the paper also introduces in detail the present methods of improving old rice and poor-quality rice.


  • 最后得到的固体就是凝,将牛奶中滤出压制轮状方形陈化、加以提高其风味

    The resulting solid, called curds, is strained out of the remaining fluid and pressed into wheels or cubes, which are then aged and salted to taste.


  • 陈化兰指出,活疫苗生产需要胚量远比传统活疫苗,使得大量生产和储存称为可能。

    Production of the live vaccines requires much less chicken embryos than the traditional inactivated vaccines, which allows large-scale production and massive storage, Chen said.


  • 陈化团队从2005年就开始这项试验研究,开始于禽流感一次国内流行之后,该流行导致了家禽育种的巨大损失

    Chen's team started the research and experiments in 2005, after a domestic epidemic that caused huge losses for poultry breeders.


  • 研究接种量、发酵温度时间因素对以陈化稻米为原料,黑曲霉液态发酵法生产柠檬酸影响,并优化了工艺。

    The effects of inoculums, fermentation temperature and time, and nitrogen source on production of citric acid from aged paddy rice by liquid-state fermentation of Aspergillus niger were studied.


  • 烟叶调制、陈化贮存期间非常重要作用

    Enzyme plays an extremely vital role in tobacco curing, aging and storing management.


  • 瑞士乳酪有时陈化而没有氨水气味

    In Switzerland, cheese is sometimes aged five to ten years without smelling of ammonia;


  • 只有苏格兰提取酿制,并在木桶陈化至少威士忌酒,才能称得上是正宗的苏格兰威士忌。

    One can only speak of real Scotch if it has been distilled3 in Scotland and aged in wooden barrels for at least three years.


  • 本文探讨了大米陈化期间品质原因提出了大米品质改良方法

    Reasons of quality changes of the rice during ageing are discussed. Some methods of quality improving for aged rice are put forward.


  • 增钙粉是以旋风炉排出的增钙液态电除尘为主要原料,经过磨、陈化等项工艺处理制得。

    Adding-Calcium fly ash is made of liquid slag from cyclone furnace and fly ash from electric precipitator by means of grinding and ageing processes.


  • 部分美式法式橡木桶陈化12个月使丰富的酒体更具美妙的香草味道复杂感

    Part of this richly coloured wine has been aged in French and American oak for 12 months giving it wonderful depth and a soft vanilla flavour.


  • 研究催化剂浓度聚合时间、真空度、聚合温度陈化温度等对聚合收率和聚合物粘分子量影响

    The influences of catalyst concentration and aging temperature, polymerization time and temperature on molecular weight of the polymers were studied.


  • 通过试验,研究常温封孔氧化陈化特性

    The ageing characteristics of sealed oxide film at normal temperature are studied.


  • 大田正常生长成熟青烟TSNA采收后在调制、贮存陈化过程中逐步形成积累起来的。

    The pre cured tobacco leaves of growing and ripeness do not contain TSNA, and they are formed and accumulated during curing, aging after harvesting.


  • 采用体循环陈化沉淀的方法,使沉淀的浓缩物由无定形凝胶体转化成易沉降过滤的粗晶体

    Through precipitate circulation and aging, the yellowcake slurry in amorphous or microlite form was transformed to crystal precipitate.


  • 每种白兰地品质取决于木桶中的陈化时间

    The quality of each brandy depends on how much time it spends in the wood.


  • 延长陈化时间硅胶整体硬度随之增大

    The hardness of the silica column increased with the increase of aging time.


  • 纤维素纤维中的富集外加增加而增加有利于富集,陈化铜富集能力大于制铜。

    Enrichment of copper in cellulose fibers are increased with the added amount increase. The addition of alkali can promote the enrichment, and the enrichment of fresh Cu is less than the aged Cu.


  • 本文净化均化陈化工艺方面阐述提高煤矸石烧结砖质量措施

    The paper expounds the methods about improve quality of gangue sintering brick from the technology of purgation homogeneity banality.


  • 衡水鼻烟壶研磨优质烟草末中,掺入麝香名贵药材密封蜡丸陈化以至数十年而成。

    Snuff is a fine grinding of high quality tobacco at the end, the incorporation of rare medicinal herbs such as musk, and aging in a sealed Lawan in a few years or even decades made.


  • 发明涉及一种通过环境温湿度缩短烟叶自然陈化时间方法属于烟草应用技术领域

    The invention relates to a method for shortening the natural aging time of tobacco leaves through ambient temperature and humidity and belongs to the technical field of tobacco application.


  • 研究了水溶液碳酸沉淀陈化过程。

    Aging of cerous carbonate in aqueous solution was investigated.


  • 催化体系较高低温稳定性陈化时加入少量苯乙烯单体能增强稳定性

    The catalyst system is very stable at ambient temperature and its stability is enhanced by addition of small amount of styrene monomer during preparation.


  • 稻谷陈化过程维生素b1维生素b2含量变化动力学特征进行了研究。

    With the aging of rice, the kinetic properties of Vitamin B1 (V B1) and Vitamin B2 (V B2) were studied.


  • 沸石导向陈化反应控制步骤低聚态硅铝酸根离子之间低聚态硅铝酸根离子低聚态硅酸根离子之间的定向聚合反应

    The controlling step of the ageing reaction for the directing agent of zeolite L is directional polymerization between aluminosilicate oligomers or between aluminosilicate and silicate oligomers.


  • 介绍镍系顺丁橡胶生产工艺, 催化剂陈化方式,比较国内外生产工艺的不同及差距;提出镍系顺丁橡胶生产的建议

    Introducing the production technology of BR and catalysis and comparing with foreign technology. Some suggestion about future development of nickel-catalyzed BR were presented.


  • 结果表明:随着结晶陈化温度提高,结晶碳酸氧化含量升高,而增大碳酸氢铵加入量则使氧化钕含量降低

    It was found that the neodymium oxide content in neodymium carbonate increased with adding temperature increasing and decreased with the feed molar ratio increasing.


  • 虽然普洱陈化不会有所提高,但是陈化会创造不同风味并且使得口感更加醇厚

    Although aging of tea does not improve the hou Yun, the aging creates variety of flavor and makes taste mellower on tongue.


  • 虽然普洱陈化不会有所提高,但是陈化会创造不同风味并且使得口感更加醇厚

    Although aging of tea does not improve the hou Yun, the aging creates variety of flavor and makes taste mellower on tongue.


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