• 那有雀斑皮肤泛起健康的红色。

    Her freckled skin glowed with health again.


  • 红色的,带有雀斑皮肤红色的头发;他四十岁身材瘦削一张消瘦的,不苟言笑、有点迂腐而且他说话带着苏格兰口音声音很安静

    He has red, freckled skin which accompanied red hair; he was a man of forty, thin, with a pinched face, precise and rather pedantic; and he spoke with a Scots accent in a very low, quiet voice.


  • 你们预防雀斑产品吗?

    Do you sell anything that can prevent freckles?


  • 请原谅好奇。“那个带雀斑,”这儿呢?

    "Well, then, excuse my curiosity," the one with the freckled voice asked, "but who lives here?"


  • 长着雀斑的淡褐色眼睛的女孩跟着我们

    There was that freckled little girl with her hazel eyes who would come with us.


  • 絊一老太太长满雀斑的小孙子一起动物园里游玩。

    An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo.


  • 年长妇人带着满脸都雀斑小孙子动物园度过一天

    An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo.


  • 名满脸雀斑警察在一座从未见过的、不寻常花园刹住车。

    The freckled-face policeman braked in front of the most unusual garden he'd ever seen.


  • 瞥着我,两只有雀斑交叉在桌面上,好像座粉红色的小山丘。

    One of her hands curved atop the other to form a pink, freckled molehill on her desk.


  • 海蒂模样完全一样,布满雀斑肩膀肥胖粉红脚趾头,还有极难梳理乱发

    HATTIE and I are identical right down to our freckled shoulders, fat pinky toes, and the comb-eating snarls in our hair.


  • 刚才看到那个女孩若是看到一定弄到手而不是刚才那个满脸雀斑的

    I never saw that girl. If I had, I would have taken her upstairs instead of freckles.


  • 使用者只需滚轴按压在想要制造雀斑部位然后滚动滚轴,将染色配方涂抹上去即可。

    Users need to place the stencil on the spot where they want freckles, and then roll the formula all over it.


  • 照片右边个长着雀斑十多岁男孩咧嘴笑着,左边是一个穿着学士服学士帽的年轻女子

    A picture of a grinning, freckled teenage boy was on the right. On the left side was a shot of a young woman in a graduation gown and mortarboard.


  • 丹尼斯·海兰是个身材高挑、满脸雀斑爱尔兰裔女孩眼睛温柔美丽笑起来很有感染力

    Denise Hyland was a tall, freckle-faced Irish girl with kind, beautiful eyes and an infectious smile.


  • 一个身材矮小、生一张长满雀斑年轻侍者,托着摆满啤酒杯子托盘不住脚地走来走去。

    The waiter, an undersized youth with a flat, spotty face, hurried to and fro carrying a tray laden with glasses of beer.


  • 因为新生婴儿没有在阳光下过,他们就没有雀斑防晒系列产品使用衣服都可以防止雀斑产生。

    Because newborn babies haven't been exposed to sun, they not have freckles and the use of sunscreen or the clothing protection can prevent freckles.


  • 女孩大约十一岁,梳着粗粗红色发辫,长满雀斑小脸,上面一双灰绿色眼睛

    She was about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits. Her face was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes.


  • 黑色素瘤开始时呈现色素雀斑外观,颜色大小形状上有区别,皮肤肿瘤危险一类

    Melanomas appear as a mole or freckle that changes colour, size or shape, but are the most dangerous type of skin cancer.


  • 巴黎Qfwfq同一个叫普蕾斯茜尔拉的长雀斑女孩坠入情网,这也许可以称作一种细胞间的关系

    In Paris, Qfwfq falls in love with a freckled girl named Priscilla, in what may be called an intercellular relationship.


  • 到这开始第一个学年时,希望在暑期外快,这份工作在那时显得不可思议。当时还是瘦得皮包骨的十几岁的小伙子,有着沙质金发瘦削的布满雀斑

    The job had sounded impossible when he arrived fresh off his first year of college, looking to make some summer money, still a skinny teenager with sandy blond hair and a narrow, freckled face.


  • 要是再年轻一点儿我肯定把娶回家我们胖胖的可爱雀斑的小孩子,每天开心,全家可以去露营或者玩儿快艇骰子游戏,还可以围着炉火讲鬼故事。

    Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you, and we would have chubby little freckled faced kids.


  • 故事发生1926年,头发蓬乱、满脸雀斑主人公特•斯卡曼来自英国年轻巫师哈利后来霍格沃茨魔法学校学习时,所用的本课本便是由他所著。

    It's 1926, and our hero is named Newt Scamander, a messy-haired, *freckle-faced young *wizard from the UK, and author of a textbook that Potter later studies at Hogwarts.


  • 苍白肤色映衬下,乔安脸上雀斑一下子更明显了。

    The freckles on Joanne's face suddenly stood out darkly against her pale skin.


  • 皮肤瓷器那样,还着一点雀斑,瘦得几乎像个模特

    Her skin is porcelain with a smattering of freckles and she is slender, almost fashion-skinny.


  • 一头姜黄色的短发脸上有些雀斑

    He had short ginger-coloured hair and freckles.


  • 虽然暗闪光技术能够准确捕捉到各种肤色,但红T恤看起来好像平常一点有时候雀斑什么的拍不出来。

    Although the technique accurately captures skin tones of all kinds, a redshirt might appear a little pinker than usual, or a freckle might disappear.


  • 唱着自己调调美丽的橡木男高音雀斑男孩身边用康加舞铃鼓伴奏仿佛一个充满声音的箱子。

    He sang his invocations in a beautiful oaken tenor with a freckle-faced boy at his side playing conga and tambourine as if it was a full drum kit.


  • 温柔女性脸孔可能在眨眼间变换成长着胡子男性长满雀斑、带着牙套咧嘴微笑的少年

    Glimpses of soft feminine features evolve into men with handlebar mustaches and freckle-faced teenagers grinning through braces.


  • 自己长着红头发、雀斑和灰眼睛就已经够糟糕的了。

    It's bad enough to have red hair, freckles and grey eyes myself.


  • 日光性着色斑是一种其它类型雀斑发生老年人,与肤色无关。

    Solar lentigines, the other types of freckles, occur among old people regardless of skin colour.


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