• 时来运转,小王正集中精力地准备参加公司组织歌咏比赛

    For the time being, Wang is focused on a singing contest his company is organizing.


  • 如果光顾着盯着面前球员那么根本不能集中精力地踢比赛

    If you look at the player you are up against then you won't concentrate on your game.


  • 许多游戏包含了丰富阅读材料孩子们会在游戏里高度集中精力阅读

    Many games include intense reading material that children will be highly motivated to read.


  • 时间私下放松冥思祈祷大量的平和(心情)源自于有意集中精力地一个静下来而不担心世界干扰

    Take time to privately relax, meditate, or pray. Great peace comes through purposely focusing on quieting one's being without worrying about distractions of the world.


  • 许多游戏包含了丰富阅读材料孩子会在游戏里高度集中精力阅读角色扮演游戏教孩子们打造属于自己的团队或者规划建设城市

    Many games include intense reading material that children will be highly motivated to read. Role-playing games can put teens to work creating teams or planning and building cities.


  • 摘要:被问到有关“年龄已使其味觉退化”的传言,罗宾逊回应,“我的品鉴技能没有因此受到影响,反而让自己集中精力地做自己喜欢的了。”

    ABSTRACT: Asked earlier whether getting older affected her tasting, Robinson replied that her skill is unimpaired and, if anything, age has improved her ability to concentrate.


  • 由于油井枯竭,要想北海有利获取石油天然气我们必须集中精力储量油井开采

    To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.


  • 集中精力使用大脑一部分反复做某件事的时候,新的神经通路你的大脑里就渐渐形成了。

    The more we repeat something and use that portion of the brain in a focused way new neural pathways might develop in your brain.


  • 更确切应该花费大量精力通过这些情况,努力促进自己,集中精力找到办法下次这些情况意外出现解决它们

    Rather than spending a lot of energy trying to power on through these situations, focus on coming up with ways to deal with them before they crop up next time.


  • 宽泛讲,集中精力促进经济增长政策上:采取中期的政策调整从而减少短期紧缩政策,比如延长退休年龄

    More generally, focus on policies that boost economic growth: trade less austerity in the short term for medium-term adjustments, such as a higher retirement age.


  • 如果睡眠好的话,我做事情更加集中精力

    And I can be more concentrated if I sleep well.


  • 必须集中精力消极的东西变成积极的东西。如果要而且全神贯注梦想世界上就没有什么东西可以阻挡你。

    You must focus on turning negatives into positives. If you want it and you dream about it, there's nothing that's going to stop you.


  • 孩子们应该减少电子游戏时间使得他们有效集中精力于学习

    Children should reduce the time they spend on PC games so that they could concentrate on the study more effectively.


  • 研究人员专门集中精力欣快着迷早期恋爱时期不是成熟的浪漫关系

    The researchers specifically focused on the euphoric, obsessive phase of early love rather than more mature romantic relationships.


  • 所以早期竞选阶段没有预料到自己会国家民意测验上转变那个时候反而更加集中精力我们资源上,更加有效传达我们的信息

    And so, I don't anticipate a big shift in the national polls until after the early primary states, where we're able to concentrate our resources and deliver our message more effectively.


  • 耳机听音乐可以集中精力阻挡忙碌工作环境带来噪音干扰确保离开座位时候摘下耳机。

    Plugging into music can be a great way to concentrate and block out the noise and distractions of a busy work environment, but be sure to take them off every time you leave your seat.


  • 平的四周时间来说一个特别好的机会因为可以集中精力工作我们可以专心致志投入到艺术创作工作中去。

    This four week period in Fuping has been a very special opportunity for me to work intensively and concentrate to my own artistic work.


  • 良好供暖通风空调系统使人们获得身体舒适感最终使雇员能够集中精力安全高效进行工作

    Good heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems provide personal comfort and consequently assists employees to concentrate on performing jobs safely and efficiently.


  • 如果漫无目的就是几个小时大脑负荷过多重新集中精力学习了。

    If you try to study indefinitely for hours and hours, your brain will overload and you'll have to work to regain your focus on studying.


  • 每当有人大声叫喊的时候总是无法集中精力而且不能明智回答问题

    I can't concentrate well enough to answer intelligently when someone is hollering at me.


  • 我们集中精力阿里搜索,以便有效使用这种装置,”一位警犬训练员约翰·派克警官如是说。

    "We concentrated more on the person search with Arry so that we can use this equipment more effectively," said a dog trainer, Constable John Parker.


  • 现在初中学校第二为了更多集中精力学习,我现在学校,我会周末回家

    I am primary school now, this is my second year, in order to focus more on my study, I live in school now, I will go home on the weekend.


  • 必须集中精力消极的东西变成积极的东西。如果要而且聚精会神梦想世界上就没有什么东西可以阻挡你。

    You must focus on turning negatives into positives. If you want it and you dream about it there's nothing that's going to stop you.


  • 必须集中精力消极的东西变成积极的东西。如果要而且全神贯注梦想世界上就没有任何东西可以阻挡你。

    You must focus on turning negatives into positives. If you want it and you dream about it, there's nothing that's going to stop you.


  • 概括说,我们需要集中精力进行职工培训

    So, to sum up, we need to concentrate on staff training.


  • 必须集中精力尽力将相继的东西变成积极的东西。如果你想要而且全身关注梦想,那么全世界就没有任何东西可以阻挡你。

    You must focus on turning negatives into positives. If you want it and you dream about it, there's nothing going to stop you.


  • 显著减少了手腕弯曲度,可更为放松持握从而优化工作条件使技术人员能够集中精力做好手头任务

    The significantly reduced bend of the wrist supports a much more relaxed grip, optimising working conditions and enabling technicians to concentrate fully on the task at hand.


  • 显著减少了手腕弯曲度,可更为放松持握从而优化工作条件使技术人员能够集中精力做好手头任务

    The significantly reduced bend of the wrist supports a much more relaxed grip, optimising working conditions and enabling technicians to concentrate fully on the task at hand.


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