Shen Shaomin's Experimental Fields sculptures explore ideas of evolution and genetic engineering.
Some of the shop's offerings are clearly new creations, such as the series of child statues in amusing poses, but traditions still hold a special place here.
Several of their paper sculptures, including the series of three at MOMA, started as studies in the lab.
系列中的大幅雕塑和充气狗的油画,情人节爱心和复活节彩蛋都是在1994年构思 {创作},但其中一些至今仍在制作中 {被大量仿制}。
These large-scale sculptures and paintings of balloon dogs, Valentine hearts and Easter eggs were conceived in 1994, but some are still being fabricated.
Currently collection consists of three models: a "robotic" droid, Italian Sculpture in the shape of a man’s head and Female Ancestral Mask.
His sculptures included "Back", a series of plaster reliefs cast in bronze.
In 2005 I made the first sculptures from the series 'Talking Landscape'.
Whether or not the ray in the series of "Extention" is inspired by the golden light of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times?
The sculpted building forms are reflected in a series of surrounding water features set into a curvilinear garden landscape designed to complement the architecture.
Conceived as a sculptural form, this hill house comprises a palette of raw materials including concrete, steel and timber, composed and detailed in a refined manner.
These gigantic statues take the place of a traditional architectural framework, supporting the various floors.
'Searchlight' series of temporary public installations curated by Dan Dubowitz, produced with Sunderland arc.
Shiota's works of black "webs" have been very popular and at her first exhibition in China she will present drawings, photography, and small-scale sculpture to bind a new audience into her work.
The sculpture is part of the "Traces" series, which explores the feelings of the man of the new millennium, stacked between old habits and new and fast changes of the new era.
In this series, sculptor Adrian Tranquilli shows us the rarely seen, vulnerable side of our favorite superheroes.
But as the artists recovered their poise, they produced a series of remarkably naturalistic statues and paintings.
安东尼鲁。 赛儿尔设计了一个由木头和复合软木为材料的首饰系列。它们是平易近人的迷你雕塑!
Anthony Roussel creates rings and bracelets from wood and cork. He works with layers to create beautiful 3D designs. Amazing miniature wearable sculptures!
This sculpture commemorates women at Yale University by displaying a set of historical facts.
Halprin worked at a series of scales from sculptural fountains to urban renewal schemes to regional planning.
Each of the 19 different sculptures in the series comes in five differently coloured "unique versions".
The Gallery offers purchase, lease, or commission for a variety of artwork including paintings, sculptures, artistic photographs and glassware.
The Gallery offers purchase, lease, or commission for a variety of artwork including paintings, sculptures, artistic photographs and glassware.