• 一个非常独立只有实在没有办法时候她才会别人寻求帮助

    She is a very independent person who would ask others for help only in the last resort.


  • 我们这边的人非常帮助你们减轻负担但是没有任何人能够帮助只要相信自己光芒并且不去自己点亮

    We in the beyond are eager to lighten your burden but no one can help you as long as you do not believe in your own light and kindle it yourself.


  • 但是非常清楚没有你们帮助——而且除非一个国家作出承诺采取积极的执法行动保护知识产权——我们可能解决我们汇聚到一起这些挑战。

    But I also know that, without your help -and until every nation makes a commitment, and takes action, to ensure aggressive IP enforcement -we will not solve the challenges that now bring us together.


  • 非常开朗地得到一个接一个的社交互动帮助老师没有惩罚不恰当举止反而理解有时这些举动孤独症而起

    While very bright he gets one-on-one help with social interaction and instead of just punishing inappropriate behaviour his teachers understand that sometimes it's to do with his autism.


  • 仿真提供了终端用户硬件没有一些调试特性因此即使真正的硬件,发现非常帮助

    The simulator offers some additional debugging features that end-user hardware lacks, so you might find it useful even if you have hardware.


  • 但是所提到那些材料一概地非常稀奇少有,并且来自远方,若没有水手辛巴德帮助,是几乎没有希望得到的。

    But the materials of which he spoke were invariably so rare or distant that one could hardly hope to get hold of them without the help of Sindbad the sailor.


  • 一个非常方便快速信息分组方法使用卡片分类,对象最好潜在用户如果没有同事也可以帮助完成

    A quick way to organize information into groups would be to do a card sort with potential users of the application or even your co-workers.


  • 虽然钱远没有接受软件折扣来得那么明显,但是他们还是非常帮助

    While these savings aren't as phenomenal as the software discounts you'll receive, they're generally pretty helpful.


  • 如果没有简历或者现在的简历尚未成功给带来面试机会,我们小提示帮助你提升你简历帮你获取非常想要面试机会。

    If you don't have a resume, or are having a hard time getting interviews with your current resume, our tips will definitely help your resume stand out and land that interview you want so badly.


  • 背景切换时常变换颜色多样视角没有任何形式帮助辅助,这一切都游戏变得非常具有挑战性——就是乐趣所在。

    Shifting backgrounds, constantly changing colors, morphing camera lensviews, and no form of help or assistance make the game extremely challenging --but therein lies the fun.


  • 如果没有中国友人帮助我们是不可能活下来,因为那时食物非常短缺

    But if we haven't been with the help of our Chinese friends we will never have survived. There were shortages of food, very little food in the camp.


  • 属性可以帮助提供更多默认没有提供属性,这些属性值对于搜索LotusQuickr中的内容非常有用

    The property sheet helps to provide more attribute values that are not provisioned by default and can be quite helpful in searching for content in Lotus Quickr.


  • 一位非常可爱的母亲但是由于从小没有父亲帮助,很多事情都我自学的。

    I had a lovely mother, but not having a father influence, I learned a lot of things on my own.


  • 这场比赛对于那些自今为止没有进入线队过比赛的球员帮助的

    It was a very useful match for those who did not play so far and to evaluate some young players.


  • 幸运地是妈妈非常耐心从来没有放弃尽力帮助

    Fortunately, his mother is very patient and never give up efforts to help him.


  • 幸运地是妈妈非常耐心从来没有放弃尽力帮助

    Fortunately, his mother was very patient and she never give up helping him with all her efforts.


  • 治好朋友天使帮助,我是非常糟糕造型大家表示没有得到很好的

    I healed in the tomb with the aid of my friends and the Angels as I was in pretty bad shape, as you all say when you aren't well.


  • 这件事却让不得不认识到带有兴趣评论性倾听非常有效治疗手段即使针对生活很小的一个方面,即使并没有想在这方面去帮助意图

    But it forced him to recognize that interested non - evaluative listening was a potent therapeutic force, even when directed at a narrow sector of life, and when there was no intent of being helpful.


  • 非常感谢最近旅途上所给予帮助如果没有你的建议指导可能如此时间获得如此大的收获。

    Your assistance on my recent trip was much appreciated. Without your advice and guidance I couldn't possibly have achieved as much as I was able to in so short a period of time.


  • 他们可能非常内向易怒没有帮助支持又无法撑下去

    They may be very withdrawn and irritable but at the same time unable to do without your help and support.


  • 扮演了一非常时尚女士免费提供服装看起来似乎没有上限的预算帮助下,她看起来美丽极了

    This was a serious fashion lady, helped by free clothes and a seemingly endless budget she looked just tremendous.


  • 敬请期待最终答辩!非常感谢提供给我们帮助所有人没有你们帮助和支持没有我们今天

    Thanks everyone for supporting our final project, without you we could not imagine how it is today!


  • 如果恶性循环没有任何出口的话,外在帮助非常需要的。

    If there is to be any exit from this downward spiral, outside help will be needed.


  • 改变常规非常帮助,比如驾车不同路线没有食物等。

    Changing your routine also helps. Try driving down a different road or eating food you haven't tried before.


  • 还说到当时大学没有非常危险时刻及时伸出给予帮助

    Brodhead adds the university failed to reach out in a time of extraordinary peril.


  • 我家人和朋友非常关心他们帮助获得康复时说需要力量并且没有是我感到悲伤孤独

    My family and friends were wonderful. They helped me find the strength I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and lonely.


  • 搜索网络的时候,我没有发现一个非常简单应用程序可以帮助

    When I searched the web, I did not find a really simple application that helps me.


  • 任何帮助非常感谢已经搜索了如何答案没有效果

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I've searched how and low for an answer to this with no avail.


  • 任何帮助非常感谢已经搜索了如何答案没有效果

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I've searched how and low for an answer to this with no avail.


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