We make it with bread, butter, and colorful sugar called "hundreds and thousands".
cake was more familiar to English speakers than brioche, a form of French bread enriched with eggs and butter (delicious, by the way.)
He came from a small Norwegian farm in Iowa, the land of butter-sculptures and the breaded tenderloin sandwich.
Add the butter and using a food processor, or the tips of your fingers, rub together until the mixture resembles rough breadcrumbs.
法国早餐- - -阿喔,羊角面包呀羊角面包,我是多么喜欢羊角面包呀~ ~用碎杏仁,黄油,巧克力或是奶油填充它,就是那么美味可口。
The French breakfast - ah, le croissant, le croissant, how I love le croissant! Pack them with crushed almonds, butter, chocolate or cream, they always taste good.
If that's too formal, make an indoor picnic basket or breakfast in bed with egg hearts on toast use a sharp knife to cut out a heart shape from a slice of bread. Toast and butter the heart shape.
Such was their childishness, or rather his, that he found it interesting to use the same bread-and-butter plate as herself, and to brush crumbs from her lips with his own.
A soft, light-textured bread made from eggs, butter, flour, and yeast and formed into a roll or a bun.
Put the flour and butter in a bowl and use your fingertips to rub in the butter, so that the mixture looks like breadcrumbs.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Pour butter into bowl with bread, and toss.
用桦树皮精心编织的面包筐、黄油盒和用桦木削成的刮黄油刀, 给人一种返瑛归真的感觉;
The knife used for cutting butter is made of birch wood, and butter and bread baskets are made of birchs skin. All of these are natural.
李导游建议我们每天睡前用热水泡泡脚,说是可以缓解时差对身体的影响; 他还建议我们多吃一点水果,这样可以帮助消化我们在欧洲旅游期间所食的面包和黄油。
Li urged us to soak our feet in hot water before bed, to fight jet lag, and to eat extra fruit, which might balance the European infusion of bread and cheese into our diets.
Since then I've been using the baker's 1-pound loaf of bread as the weight to measure my butter.
Spoon the mixture into a well-buttered bread pan and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the surface of the bread is golden.
Spoon the mixture into a well-buttered bread pan and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the surface of the bread is golden.