It is an important modeling tool in the process of OOA and OOD.
This academic year, as in the last few years, my schedule started out by teaching a course in object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD).
In the object Oriented analysis and design, the action of object is relative to its state.
A number of books 19 on this subject describe how a designer systematically creates object-oriented analysis models from use-case specifications.
In view of the shortage of current modeling tools for neural network, we put forward object oriented analysis of the network.
Similarly, in the early days of Object Oriented Analysis and Design we were faced with a fragmented market with conflicting notations and standards.
Through the analysis of instances, the significance of generalization and genericity in object-oriented analysis and design is obviously shown.
Modeling with UML has become a trend in object-oriented analysis and design.
His areas of interest include requirements management, object-oriented analysis and design for enterprise application architectures, and software process implementation.
At the business or enterprise level, the techniques associated with OOA can be coupled with an information engineering approach.
Unified modeling Language (UML) has been DE facto standard for Object-Oriented analysis and design modeling.
The approach promised to dramatically improve the adaptability of software and is now an accepted principle in object-oriented analysis and design theory.
At first, we limited the content of object-oriented reuse, mainly researched the support of object-oriented analysis and design.
When we develop systems by using object-oriented approach, rapid prototype is an ideal system development strategy.
And then, data structure and classes grade were built up, the objects and the model of the software system were completed.
The development of mass spectrometry measurement and control software has experienced object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, object-oriented implementation and testing, etc.
By researching the false maximum wavelet coefficient points, this paper proposes an advanced algorithm in the basis of optimum scale and a new peak-searching method.
This paper has described the disadvantages of traditional analytical method. Object-Oriented analysis has been applied in the system analysis of Die CAD system for solving questions.
This paper use the technology of OOA and DataBase to build a system of Wounded Men Classifying and Diagnosing based on the hardware platform of C/S structure.
How to implementing persistence of all kinds of object using relationship database is necessarily must be solved in Orient object programming.
With the use of object oriented analysis, the timetable arranging system designed is characteristic of a stable structure, simple mantainence and easy reusing.
In our first term, I had taught our object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) course, which is the second software engineering course that our students can take.
Although there are many tools used in object-oriented analysis and design, UML has a broad application future in simulation field because of its powerful advantages.
Based on the object-orient analysis of CNC system, the paper proposes a design idea of master-slave CNC system, which builds with PC as upper chip and motion controller with DSP as lower chip.
This paper aims at introducing object-oriented program language using SAS/AF with the concepts of OOA and OOD. And it also discusses how to achieve these concepts in SAS/AF language.
As James Martin and James Odell wrote long time ago in their book "Object-Oriented Analysis and design," analysts, designers, and implementers should all use the same system model.
As James Martin and James Odell wrote long time ago in their book "Object-Oriented Analysis and design," analysts, designers, and implementers should all use the same system model.