• 通过结构化面向对象分析技术团队可以规范系统功能说明满足每一细节需求算法

    Using structured or object-oriented analysis the team specifies the software functions and algorithms needed to satisfy each detailed requirement.


  • 每个子系统中,本文分别支持面向对象主动机制技术角度分析子系统的组成工作流程用户使用模式典型算法等

    In each subsystem, the paper analyses its form, working process, user's model and typical algorithms from the point of object-oriented and technology of active mechanism separately.


  • 主要论述面向对象的方法开发高等学校实验室信息管理系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper describes the technology and method in developing university laboratory's management information system by Object-Oriented analysis and Object-Oriented design.


  • 介绍分析IEC61850产生背景基本思想核心技术内容包括UCA标准面向对象建模系统项目管理

    This article analyses the background, basic ideas, and the content of IEC61850 standard series, including UCA standard, object-oriented modeling, system and project management, etc.


  • 本文分析快速原型方法面向对象技术相对于传统瀑布模型优势

    This paper analyses fast prototype method and object-oriented technology's advantage relative to traditional waterfall model.


  • 首先J2EE体系架构进行系统阐述然后分析J2EE企业级开发方法面向对象的建模技术

    Build up systematic exposition to J2EE system at first, then analyzed the method that J2EE enterprise layer develops and target -oriented modeling technology.


  • 利用面向对象分析技术数据库设计技术,在C/S结构硬件平台实现了一个战时伤病员分类处置系统

    This paper use the technology of OOA and DataBase to build a system of Wounded Men Classifying and Diagnosing based on the hardware platform of C/S structure.


  • 运用面向对象技术对库房管理信息系统进行分析建模实现了数据库对象映射

    Storeroom management information system is analyzed, modelled and object mapping of database is realized by using object oriented technology.


  • 阐述了基于面向对象技术智能化建筑项目管理系统分析设计方法

    An analysis and design method for an intelligentized construction management system based on object oriented technology is described in this thesis.


  • 本文分析面向对象软件技术软件测试技术影响基础,研究了面向对象软件的测试技术

    Based on the analysis of the effect of the technology of OOS on software testing, the method of Object oriented software class testing is studied.


  • 文章给出了总体目标图,分析三种内核设计技术,采用面向对象技术进行部件系统内核设计

    Three methods of core designing were introduced, then the author designed the system core composed of components with the help of Object Orient technology.


  • 本文通过分析雷达功能参照工作原理设计出了雷达数学模型运用面向对象技术其进行了实现

    In this paper, a math model of this radar is designed out by referring to the radars working principle and analyzing its function and is realized based on Object Oriented Program technology.


  • 主要论述面向对象方法开发信息系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper presents the technology and method in developing the information system of appraising wine by Objectoriented analysis and Objectoriented design.


  • 以此算法基础,基于MSTCAD平台采用面向对象编程技术编制了空间结构施工过程仿真分析程序模块

    Based on this method and adopts object-oriented programming technique, an emulator program module for construction process analysis of space structure is developed on the platform of MSTCAD.


  • 并以电子产品加工行业采用面向对象建模技术进行了分析设计简要介绍系统特点

    As a example about the Manufacture of the electronic products, we use OMT to analyze and design it. Also, we introduce the characters of this system.


  • 讨论了面向对象程序设计技术中的需求分析、需求说明技术它们后继的面向对象设计技术关联

    The techniques of the requirement analysis and requirement specification in object-oriented programming are discussed and their relations with later object-oriented design are also considered.


  • 本文论述如何借用JSD模拟技术构造面向对象信息系统分析模式

    This paper discusses how to incorporate JSD modelling technique to create an Object-Oriented MIS analysis model.


  • 分析OD BCASP相关应用技术基础上,结合医院信息系统应用特性提出了一类面向对象应用的设计方案对系统进行了具体开发。

    With the analyses of correlative techniques, such as ODBC and ASP, and the application characteristics of his, this paper develops an object-oriented design project and its application system.


  • 论文采用现代设计手段对气垫带式输送机的某些设计过程进行模拟分析采用面向对象技术开发计算功率实用程序,简化了计算过程。

    In the thesis, some detail design is simulated and analyzed by modern design method. It's power calculation is developed by object oriented technology, which simplifies the complicated calculation.


  • 介绍一种基于面向对象技术参数智能测试分析系统

    This paper introduces an intelligent test and analysis system for the electric parameter of metal halide lamp based on the object-oriented technology.


  • 深入分析基础上将分布式构件技术面向对象的建模方法相结合,提出业务过程驱动系统建模方法;

    The system modeling and implementation of business process driven are carried through with techniques of the distributed component and Object-Oriented modeling.


  • 本论文板式家具设计原理设计方法进行了深入分析研究,并应用面向对象技术开发面向对象的计算机辅助板式家具设计系统。

    After deeply research on design principle and design method of plank furniture, a computer-aided plank furniture design system is developed by using object-oriented method.


  • 商业企业层面面向对象分析相关联技术可以结合信息工程方法

    At the business or enterprise level, the techniques associated with OOA can be coupled with an information engineering approach.


  • 分析现有专家系统模型存在不足,提出了一种基于面向对象技术的专家系统模型

    After analyzing the defects of current expert system models, an expert system model based on object-oriented technique is presented.


  • 分析研究面向对象技术并用这种先进工程软件开发技术中国船舶重工集团七一六研究所的PD M系统进行建模

    Analysis and research face object technique, and use this advanced engineering software exploiture technique put up modeling to PDM system.


  • 分析一般管理信息系统基础结合当今的流行技术面向对象思想,进行一个基于层结构的图书馆信息系统研究设计

    On the base of the analysis on common MIS, it combines the fashion technology and object-oriented theory and does some research and design based on four-layer information system on library.


  • 文章远程教育计算机中新兴J2EEXML技术进行了研究,从面向对象的角度出发构建一个基于J2EE和XML的远程教育平台,并对该平台的设计实现过程进行了分析

    The paper study the technology of J2EE and XML, construct an platform of Distance Education based on XML and J2EE , discuss the process of platform's design and realization.


  • 通过面向对象数据库技术研究,分析设计一个有效地税征管系统

    An effective local tax imposing system was designed using the technology of object oriented database.


  • 基于面向服务的体系架构思想,采用面向对象技术建模方法进行系统需求分析设计

    Based on system architecture for service-oriented idea, this paper have adapted object-oriented technique and modeling to make an analysis and design for the system requirement.


  • UML一种基于面向对象技术标准建模语言不仅支持面向对象分析设计而且支持需求分析系统实现的软件开发的全过程

    UML is a standard object-oriented modeling language. It is not only used in object -oriented analysis and design but also used in whole process from demand analysis to system realization.


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