An object model that you can program against on the server using familiar object-oriented techniques.
Object-oriented technology gives people tools for fighting the software crisis and some hopes because this technology may yet be indeed useful in fighting them.
In target -oriented technology, utilize the target's method encapsulation attribute, can achieve the purpose with hidden information.
In general mode abstract design adoption the OO technique, for example seal to pack, construct, inherit, and interface technique.
With OOP, the required information is encapsulated and new feature can be derived from old one by inheritance.
Based on object oriented idea, ordered management of static product structure and dynamic design flow for series plastic box packing machine is achieved.
以VF P为平台的应用系统开发,由于使用面向对象的技术,从而为应用系统的研制提供极好的环境。
The development of application systems using object-oriented programming on the platform of VFP offers an excellent environment for research and development of them.
人们开始使用面向对象的技术,同时U ML融合了多种面向对象建模方法以及多种软件工程方法,成为软件系统设计建模的主要工具。
People began to use of object-oriented technology, and a variety of fusion UML modeling method of object-oriented software engineering methods and software system, the main tool design modeling.
Object oriented technologies introduced significant improvements for code reuse within an application.
OOAD 课程关注于开发面向对象系统的技术细节。
The OOAD class focuses upon the technical details of developing object-oriented systems.
What other technology enables you to use objects for a few hundred users to support many thousand users?
Until then, you should consider how to apply the techniques outlined here to your own object-oriented applications.
The days of the naive approach — where we believe that if a system is object-oriented (or pick your technology), then it's good — are over.
It provides a consistent definition and structure of data using object-oriented techniques.
However, they lack knowledge about object-oriented approaches and later-day technologies.
You would of course need a technology that recognizes GUI controls and exposes their properties in an object-oriented fashion.
Another question is why we need to govern SOA, and why we have not talked about governance of, for example, CORBA or object-oriented (OO) design?
This is very similar to the situation we encountered at the beginning of the object-oriented paradigm shift, where developers used object-oriented languages to develop procedural programs.
In addition, object-oriented DBMS technology is being used to deliver graph databases, which are key to managing social networks and addressing other relationship-oriented Big data problems.
The techniques described do not require an expert object-oriented programmer, but does require familiarity with JSP programming.
When ASDI's technical lead started pushing for an OODB solution, we were concerned by this introduction of a new technology.
The ability to integrate existing code assets efficiently is essential to succeeding with two technologies that are gaining momentum: service-oriented architecture (SOA) and cloud-based computing.
As with object design, we should expect that creating reusable, loosely coupled, aspect-based systems and reusable, generic aspect libraries will require a comprehensive approach based on interfaces.
Over time, I developed tools and techniques, like object-oriented programming, that greatly enhanced my ability to organize and compartmentalize.
However, there is some common ground in system of this kind, which offers the advantage for developing the website with Object Oriented technology.
You've seen how you can apply curried closures to functional patterns, so now let's take a look at what happens when we revisit an important object-oriented design pattern using similar techniques.
有经验的软件工程师在开发时大都习惯使用面向对象(Object Oriented,OO)技术。
As experienced software engineers, we are accustomed to using Object Oriented (OO) techniques for our development.
It allows Cell views to be cached until an attached versioning method decides to expire it, without loosing the object-oriented features of a Cell instance.
IBM Rational could help upgrade the development portions of CSC Catalyst by incorporating RUP's leading-edge, object-oriented best practices for custom applications.
Dan has over 20 years of experience in research and commercial distributed computing ranging over transaction and object-oriented systems, programming languages, messaging, and database systems.