ZODB is a robust, multi-user, object-oriented database system capable of storing and managing arbitrarily complex Python objects with transaction support and concurrency control.
Dan has over 20 years of experience in research and commercial distributed computing ranging over transaction and object-oriented systems, programming languages, messaging, and database systems.
NHMDB is a multimedia database system based on the extended relational data model and has the characteristics of object-oriented databases.
Extensive and new application fields and special requirements have brought about the emergence of object-oriented database which introduces the concept of object into database system completely.
This database system is developed on the based of relation model, and has been developed with the Object Oriented (OO) method.
介绍了主动面向对象数据库实验系统SDAOODB的体系结构和关键的实现技术。 SDAOODB是国内首家研制的一个主动面向对象数据库系统。
We introduced an active object-oriented database experimental system SDAOODB and discussed the system architecture and the important technique of implementation.
To learn how to use object oriented language to explore middle and small designing database system and to explore a front running system of cell phones.
Research on spatial data version management based on ArcSDE;
Research on spatial data version management based on ArcSDE;