• 另一个问题我们为什么需要治理SOA以及为什么我们以前没有过其他技术治理CORBA面向对象(OO)设计

    Another question is why we need to govern SOA, and why we have not talked about governance of, for example, CORBA or object-oriented (OO) design?


  • 就像使用对象设计我们应当预料创建重用的、松散耦合的、面向方面系统可重用的、通用的方面大量地要求基于接口技术

    As with object design, we should expect that creating reusable, loosely coupled, aspect-based systems and reusable, generic aspect libraries will require a comprehensive approach based on interfaces.


  • 已经看到了如何curry过的闭包应用于函数模式所以现在我们看看使用相似的技术重新访问重要面向对象设计模式发生了什么

    You've seen how you can apply curried closures to functional patterns, so now let's take a look at what happens when we revisit an important object-oriented design pattern using similar techniques.


  • 应用面向对象技术思想实现系列化盒体包装静态产品结构动态设计流程有序管理

    Based on object oriented idea, ordered management of static product structure and dynamic design flow for series plastic box packing machine is achieved.


  • 主要论述面向对象的方法开发高等学校实验室信息管理系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper describes the technology and method in developing university laboratory's management information system by Object-Oriented analysis and Object-Oriented design.


  • 采用微机联网紧耦合网络拓扑结构面向对象框架设计层次化数据分层等技术提高系统仿真实时性开放性

    Adopting high coupling PC network, hierarchical data structure and object oriented design techniques, we can enhance the performance of simulation system in real time and openness.


  • 设计模式描述面向对象软件设计经验软件复用关键技术

    The design patterns, which capture the Object-Oriented software practices, are the key technology of software reusing.


  • 面向对象程序设计一些优点灵活性源于功能引发实现相互分离技术

    Some of the benefits and flexibility of object-oriented programming stem from this separation of function invocation and implementation.


  • CORBA核心技术采用多层分布式体系结构面向对象设计

    It takes CORBA as the core technique, adopts multi-layer distribution system structure and the design facing to the object.


  • 阐述一个采用面向对象技术设计刺绣CAD系统方法

    This paper presents a method of designing embroidery CAD system by using object-oriented technique.


  • 本文面向对象软件测试技术的特点和层次划分进行了研究,然后讨论面向对象软件测试用例设计方法

    We research the level divide of the object oriented software testing, and then we discuss the testing example design method of the object-oriented software testing.


  • 本文介绍机械CAD系统开发中,提出并建立基于面向对象技术机械零件设计分类功能设计

    This paper introduces an object oriented method of classification tree and function table for the designing of machine parts for developing mechanical CAD software system.


  • 作为面向对象建模技术标准U ML适合复杂系统设计问题简单化

    As the standard of object oriented modeling technique, UML is suitable for making complex system design simplify.


  • 利用面向对象分析技术数据库设计技术,在C/S结构硬件平台实现了一个战时伤病员分类处置系统

    This paper use the technology of OOA and DataBase to build a system of Wounded Men Classifying and Diagnosing based on the hardware platform of C/S structure.


  • 本文论述了对DK - 1型电空制动机进行建模仿真基础上利用面向对象技术设计制动机教学软件整个过程

    This thesis specifies the whole process of realizing the modeling and simulation of DK-1 electric-air brake and accomplishing the CAI system of this brake by using the object-oriented technology.


  • 阐述了基于面向对象技术智能化建筑项目管理系统分析设计方法

    An analysis and design method for an intelligentized construction management system based on object oriented technology is described in this thesis.


  • 设计重点如何构架为中心,以面向对象思想设计业务组件以及设计时的一些关键技术

    The cores of this project are how to develop enterprise components centered on Frame through Object Orient thought and several critical techniques.


  • 设计模式认为面向对象技术刀刃部分,是针对在特定场景特定问题可重复、可表达的解决方案

    Design patterns, regarded as the "edge" part for object-oriented technology, are usually the repeatable and effable solutions for particular questions under the specific scenes.


  • 实现的过程中,基于面向对象技术设计拓扑类、支路以此为基础实现了拓扑算法

    In realization, topology class, layer class, branch class etc are designed based on the object-oriented technique, and based on this, the topology and the method realizes.


  • 并以电子产品加工行业采用面向对象建模技术进行了分析设计简要介绍系统特点

    As a example about the Manufacture of the electronic products, we use OMT to analyze and design it. Also, we introduce the characters of this system.


  • 文章给出了总体目标图,分析了三种内核设计技术,采用面向对象技术进行部件系统内核设计

    Three methods of core designing were introduced, then the author designed the system core composed of components with the help of Object Orient technology.


  • 随着面向对象技术引入面向对象集散式控制系统软件设计可以超前于硬件环境设计

    Following the introduction of object-oriented technology, the software design of DCS system can be done prior to the design of hardware environment.


  • 地理数据访问对象方面,介绍采用面向对象技术设计实现地理数据访问

    In the case of geographic data access objects, the paper illustrates the geographic data access class realized by oriented-object technology.


  • 主要论述面向对象方法开发信息系统分析设计技术过程。

    This paper presents the technology and method in developing the information system of appraising wine by Objectoriented analysis and Objectoriented design.


  • 讨论了面向对象程序设计技术中的需求分析、需求说明技术它们后继的面向对象设计技术关联

    The techniques of the requirement analysis and requirement specification in object-oriented programming are discussed and their relations with later object-oriented design are also considered.


  • 整个软件系统设计采用面向对象技术,对端口直接读写有效封装D O S 通信代码缩短开发周期

    The whole system is designed to write and read LPTX port directly and to encapsulate effectively DOS code based on OOP techniques, thus shortens development period.


  • 整个软件系统设计采用面向对象技术,对端口直接读写有效封装D O S 通信代码缩短开发周期

    The whole system is designed to write and read LPTX port directly and to encapsulate effectively DOS code based on OOP techniques, thus shortens development period.


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