“The Greek flu is hitting Italy, ” James McDonald, chief investment strategist at Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago, which manages $643 billion, said in a telephone interview.
Vikram Pandit, the CEO of Citicorp (C), offered in a Fortune interview to meet with the protesters, acknowledging a lack of trust in Wall Street.
"We are running a better business because our competitors cause us to raise our own game," Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke told The Associated Press in an interview.
InfoQ有幸采访了olap4 j规范的领导者、Pentaho分析的首席架构师和Mondrian的创始人JulianHyde,以了解olap4j的更多内容。
InfoQ spoke to Julian Hyde, olap4j specification lead, Pentaho lead Architect for Analysis and Mondrian Founder, to find out more about olap4j.
Thee elder Buffett tells interviewer Leslie Stahl that his son will serve as a "guardian" of the company's "values" rather than a CEO, as long as the company's board approves.
Thee elder Buffett tells interviewer Leslie Stahl that his son will serve as a "guardian" of the company's "values" rather than a CEO, as long as the company's board approves.