The battle of Marathon did indeed take place back about 2,500 years ago.
马拉松战役发生于公元前四九○年。当时波斯人在骄奢、劳役之下,颓堕委靡; 雅典人则在自由之中,发扬蹈厉。
The Battle of Marathon was fought in 490 BC, when the Persians became enervated by luxury and servitude, and the Athenians were animated by their freedom.
波斯国王(公元前521- 486年),扩张帝国,建立了高效的行政系统,并入侵希腊,仅在490年的马拉松战役中被击败。
King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490.
希罗多德是位历史学家,他穷尽毕生精力研究历史上真实的马拉松战役。 最后得出了惊人的发现:英雄斐迪庇第斯的著名事迹不是发生在马拉松战役之后,而是马拉松战役之前。
According to Herodotus, a historian writing within a lifetime of the actual battle this Phidippides guy did his running before the fight, not after it.
希罗多德是位历史学家,他穷尽毕生精力研究历史上真实的马拉松战役。 最后得出了惊人的发现:英雄斐迪庇第斯的著名事迹不是发生在马拉松战役之后,而是马拉松战役之前。
According to Herodotus, a historian writing within a lifetime of the actual battle this Phidippides guy did his running before the fight, not after it.