• 气藏驱动类型确定气藏储量计算开发方案编制基础

    It is the basis of estimating reserves and making up development plan of the gas reservoir to determine gas reservoir drive type.


  • AdvancedFormat磁盘当前样式以及其他驱动类型可能很快就尘埃落定

    That said, chances are that the dust will settle on the current style of Advanced Format disk, as well as other new drive types, relatively quickly.


  • 本文首先分析混合动力电动汽车混合驱动结构类型各种驱动类型特点适用条件作了总结

    Firstly, this paper gives an analysis on the types and hybrid configurations of hybrid electric vehicle, and summarizes the characters of all the driving types and their working conditions.


  • 不但可以确定气藏原始地质储量可采储量而且可以判断气藏驱动类型以及预测未来开发动态

    It can not only be used to determine original gas in-place and recoverable reserves of gas reservoir, but also judge the drive type and predict future development performance.


  • 这样结合文献研究成果,即可依据不同驱动类型渗流特征选取参数油田产量进行全过程拟合和预测

    In this way, the whole process the field production will be matched and predicted by using selecting parameters representing different drive types and combining the study results of literature.


  • 对于驱动类型列表中选择CICSSOAP因为我们生成将部署在用于CICS的SOAP环境下的消息适配器

    For the driver type, select CICS SOAP from the drop-down list since we are generating the message adapter that will be deployed to a SOAP for CICS environment.


  • 已经说明了用户驱动类型(automobile - policypolicyholder - information)语义

    I have already showed you the semantics of user-derived schema types such as automobile-policy and policyholder-information.


  • 气藏物质平衡方程气藏工程重要方法可以确定气藏的原始地质储量可采储量,也可以判断气藏的驱动类型预测气藏的开发动态

    The material balance equation for gas reservoir has been used to determine reserves and OGIP of gas reservoir, judge its driving type and predict its production performance.


  • 驱动成本关键变量订单大小类型特殊订单与标准订单等等,而不是在于高忠诚度还是忠诚度不同的客户

    The key variables driving cost are size and type of order, special versus standard order, and so on, not high-loyalty versus divided-loyalty customers.


  • 一个稍微有点隐蔽提示询问需要配置哪种类型ODBC驱动程序,以及安装在哪里

    This is a slightly cryptic prompt asking you which type of ODBC driver you want to configure, and where it is installed.


  • 需要了解数据源类型连接驱动程序以及注册信息(大多数情况需要注册密码)。

    You need to know the type of the data source, the driver used to connect to it, and the login information (in most cases, login and password).


  • 业务状态一种特殊业务流程类型因为事件驱动的,操作取决于流程当前的状态。

    A business state machine is a special type of business process because it is event driven, and its actions depend on the current state of the process.


  • 自助服务模式处理一个业务各种类型用户之间用户接口驱动交互

    The Self-Service pattern addresses user interface driven interactions between a business and its various types of users.


  • 系列所涵盖三种框架类型包括模块化、数据驱动关键字驱动

    The three types of frameworks covered in this series are modularity, data-driven, and keyword driven.


  • 在行为由许多不同类型事件驱动以及特定事件响应取决于先前事件发生顺序的情况下,有限状态最为有用

    Finite state machines are most useful in situations where behavior is driven by many different types of events, and the response to a particular event depends on the sequence of previous events.


  • 夏天某些类型空调甚至可以利用这些余热驱动冷却器制冷。

    Some types of air conditioning can even use the heat to power their chillers in summer.


  • 这种类型复制称为事件驱动(即时)复制,这与按计划进行的标准复制相对。

    This style of replication is referred to as event-driven (immediate) replication, in contrast to standard replication that occurs on a schedule.


  • 可以任何支持XML数据类型提供JDBC 4.0驱动程序数据库使用SQLXML数据类型

    You can use the SQLXML data type with any database that supports the XML data type, and provides a JDBC 4.0 driver.


  • 断言作为上下文一部分提供,并驱动dynamic Assembler基于客户类型选择特定贷款提供者服务

    Supplied as a part of the context, this assertion drives the Dynamic Assembler to choose a particular loan provider service based on the customer type.


  • 理解任务类型、人工驱动Effort-drivenScheduling资源分配

    Understanding Task Types, Effort-driven Scheduling, and Resource Assignments


  • 对于MDMServer中的大部分结构关系类型驱动因此能够定义感兴趣关系的类型

    As with most constructs in MDM Server, relationships are type-driven and you therefore have the ability to define the types of relationships of interest.


  • 由于是可移动驱动类型可能希望使用Windows的“安全删除硬件工具关闭首先刷新驱动器。

    Depending on the type of drive you might want to use the Windows "Safely Remove Hardware" tool to shut it down and flush the drive first.


  • Linu x源代码学习有关大多数设备类型设备驱动程序设计最佳方法包括网络设备驱动程序。

    The Linux source code is a great way to learn about the design of device drivers for a multitude of device types, including network device drivers.


  • 首先必须OracleResponseFile . txt文件指定Oracle数据库名称JDBC驱动程序位置驱动程序类型、数据库服务器主机oracle端口号属性

    You must first specify the Oracle database name, JDBC driver location, driver type, database server host name, and Oracle port number attributes in the OracleResponseFile.txt file.


  • 现今已有3种主要太阳:太阳驱动NASA计划测试类型),驱动正在芬兰开发驱动(1980年代时髦如今也不算太过时)。

    Today, there are three main types of space sail: solar ( the one NASA plans to test), electric (being developed in Finland) and magnetic (a concept popular in the 1980s that never quite took off).


  • 代理支持类型4驱动程序提供它们

    The broker supports type 4 drivers, but does not supply them.


  • 使用JCC驱动程序时,无论碰到何种类型问题为了作进一步诊断,通常的做法进行个JCC跟踪

    Whenever you run into any type of problem using the JCC driver, the typical response for further diagnosis is to take a JCC trace.


  • 注意,下面在每种类型驱动程序属性之下提到的属性都是ODBC应用程序常见一些属性。

    Please note the attributes mentioned below under each type of driver attributes are the most common ones found in ODBC applications.


  • 选择数据库类型驱动程序位置

    Select the database type and driver location.


  • 选择数据库类型驱动程序位置

    Select the database type and driver location.


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