• 使敌人感到恐惧高于正常的速度逃跑

    Intimidating Growl causes an enemy to run away in fear at an increased movement speed.


  • 不幸的是这种食品高于正常脂肪蛋白质含量

    Unfortunately this food has a higher than normal fat and protein content.


  • 流行病学研究显示心血管疾病80%危险性都是高于正常血糖水平相关联的。

    Epidemiological studies have shown that 80 per cent of the risk of cardiovascular disease is related to a blood glucose level just above the average.


  • 试样高温强度能够我们更好地选择那些必须高于正常温度下起作用的密封剂

    The strength of the sample at high temperatures allows for better selection of sealants that must perform at temperatures above normal.


  • 她们发现酮水平男性任何原因死亡危险睾酮正常或者高于正常的男性33%。

    They found that men with low testosterone had a 33 percent higher risk of dying from any cause than men with either normal or elevated testosterone levels.


  • 官方,2009世界大多数地区出现了高于正常温度记录只有美国加拿大温度低于平均值

    Officials said this year’s abovenormal temperatures were recorded in most parts of the world, with only the United States and Canada experiencing cooler than average conditions.


  • 安大略省8月份连续8个月高于正常温度之后第一个低于正常温度的月份。

    In Ontario, August was the first month with below-normal temperatures after eight consecutive months above normal.


  • 含量高于正常水平可能表明严重依赖可食用植物饮食缺乏营养。

    Higher than normal levels of manganese, strontium, and vanadium probably indicate a less nutritious diet heavily dependent on edible plants.


  • 全球气温可能回到工业化水平风险两极温度高于正常水平,而热带地区的温度将比工业化前的低。

    You may bring global temperatures back to pre-industrial levels, but the risk is that the poles will still be warmer than they should be and the tropics will be cooler than before industrialisation.


  • 二氧化碳的浓度高于正常标准实验方法包括对人和动物恐慌症的研究。

    Carbon dioxide at higher than normal concentration is one way of experimentally inducing panic in animals as well as in humans.


  • 总部设在美国国家海洋大气管理局每月公布全球气温数据显示印度今年全年气温高于正常温度

    In the monthly global temperature data released by US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, India is shown as having higher than normal temperatures all through this year.


  • 耐量受损IGT是指口服耐受量试剂时血糖高于正常达到糖尿病诊断标准。

    Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) means that blood glucose during the oral glucose tolerance test is higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.


  • 不过Fed对贷款收取的这个利率水平比正常时期高于强劲行业公司发行类似债券收益率水平。

    These Fed-backed rates, however, would be considered high in normal times and also exceed current yields on similar debt issued by strong industrial corporations.


  • 报纸曝光帕洛塔团队家唯利是图公司,公司的创始人丹·帕洛塔个人的薪水远远高于正常水准

    They also complained that Pallotta was a for-profit company, and that its founder, Dan Pallotta, paid himself a salary well above the norm.


  • 形成的并不算汹涌巨浪印度尼西亚横跨太平洋南美维持高于正常的海面温度

    The above-normal sea surface temperatures are maintained by gentle but giant waves of warm water that slosh across the Pacific from Indonesia toward South America.


  • 一般情况下,一年这个时候水库水位都会处在正常高于正常水位线。

    In general, reservoirs are at normal or above-normal levels for this time of year.


  • 这些服务利润率高于一般硬件销售,但客户对这些并不在意因为他们想买个清静——劳斯莱斯需要确保引擎正常运行。

    Margins are typically higher than on hardware. Customers do not mind because they are buying peace of mind-it is Rolls's job to make sure the engine keeps running.


  • 水平高于正常诊断糖尿病水平

    This level is higher than normal but less than the level indicating a diagnosis of diabetes.


  • 这些服务的利润率高于一般硬件销售,但客户对这些并不在意因为他们想买个清静——劳斯莱斯需要确保引擎正常运行。

    Margins are typically higher than on hardware. Customers do not mind because they are buying peace of mindit is Rolls's job to make sure the engine keeps running.


  • 没什么用处或者适应能力差的生物遭受冷遇灭绝高于正常地质时期的时候。

    Creatures less useful or adaptable get short shrift: the extinction rate is running far higher than during normal geological periods.


  • 加拿大全国气温高于长期平均气温4摄氏度,是历史最热冬天该国北部冬季气温高于正常至少6摄氏度。

    Canada had its warmest winter on record, with national temperatures 4c above the long-term average; winter temperatures were 6c or more above normal in parts of the country's north.


  • 周一晚间新加坡有关部门机场安装体温检测仪发现来自加州一名美国体温高于正常水平,目前此人正在接受流感测试

    Monday night, Singapore authorities said newly installed thermal scanners at its airport picked up an American from California with higher-than-normal temperature, who is being tested for swine flu.


  • 由于损失北极温度正比世界其它地方更快地升高:去年秋天,北极气温达到高于正常5纪录

    Driven by the loss of ice, Arctic temperatures are warming more quickly than other parts of the world: last autumn air temperatures in the Arctic stood at a record 5c above normal.


  • 莫斯科七月平均气温正常情况高出了7.6摄氏度该市最高气温高于历史最高值2摄氏度。

    In Moscow, July mean temperatures were 7.6c above normal, making it the city's hottest month on record by more than 2c.


  • 我们再次注意劳动力市场快速复苏一段时间内经济高于正常水平快速增长紧密相连的。

    It should be noted once again that rapid Labour market recoveries are associated with periods of rapid, above-trend growth.


  • 我们再次注意劳动力市场快速复苏一段时间内经济高于正常水平快速增长紧密相连的。

    It should be noted once again that rapid Labour market recoveries are associated with periods of rapid, above-trend growth.


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