A big part of the problem at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power station are the highly radioactive spent fuel rods kept in storage pools at the plant.
The shroud was also damaged by a fire in the late Middle Ages which could have added carbon material, resulting in a higher radiocarbon content and a later calculated age.
Highly radioactive water from a damaged maintenance pit is leaking into the sea.
But roughly 5 percent of reactor waste is highly radioactive fission products, including plutonium and other actinides.
The latest threat at the plant was the fuel-rod pools, which contain used fuel rods that have been withdrawn from reactors yet remain highly radioactive.
This week the discovery of large pools of highly radioactive water and raised levels of radiation in seawater near the plant has shown how far the authorities really are from regaining control.
High-level waste is the most dangerous because it can melt through containers and is so radioactive it would be fatal if someone was near it for a few days.
Today, high-level waste is dealt with by cooling it in water for several years and then mixing it into a molten glass, which is poured into steel containers.
What's more, the industry has so far generated nearly 300, 000 tonnes of high-level nuclear waste, and counting.
Nuclear energy. fuel cycle technology. waste. standard method for testing the long term alpha irradiation stability of solidified high level radioactive waste forms.
Objective: to study effective techniques of controlling high-radioactive of habitation that caused by some building material, so to improve indoor health quality.
The Mujiazhuang copper deposit with high radioactive lead isotope compositions is located in Zha-shan area of the South Qinling Orogenic Belt.
Objective to improving the radioactive measuring standards and guarantee the quality of the monitoring results.
In addition, there also existed the hybridization of the crustal substance which contained OS with high radioactivity during the formation of the sulfide nickel deposit.
The studies on physiochemical behaviors of radionuclides on solid-water interface are of importance for the performance and safety assessment of high-level radioactive repository.
The studies on physiochemical behaviors of radionuclides on solid-water interface are of importance for the performance and safety assessment of high-level radioactive repository.