• 这座城市的特点钢铁玻璃建造的现代化高楼大厦林立。

    The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.


  • 中国一家建筑公司已经莫斯科方面签订份合约,莫斯科建造座87层楼高的摩天大楼。开发商成为欧洲第一高楼

    A Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.


  • 犹大山地建造城邑,在树林建筑营寨高楼

    He built towns in the Judean hills and forts and towers in the wooded areas.


  • 中国一家建筑公司已经莫斯科方面签订份合约,莫斯科建造座87层楼高的摩天大楼。开发商成为欧洲第一高楼

    Chinese construction firm has signed a deal to build an 87-storey tower in Moscow, which the developers say will be the tallest in Europe.


  • 尽管其它许多公司经受住诱惑,没有大举借贷,但房产开发商们大肆借贷建造时髦的高楼大厦,就好象全世界准备拉斯维加斯度假一样。

    Although many other big firms resisted the temptation to over-borrow, developers gorged on cheap debt and built bigger and swankier hotels as if the whole world were planning a holiday in Las Vegas.


  • 柬埔寨首都刮起了地产热,卷来了一阵推倒古老建筑飓风,带来建造高楼大厦的计划周边城镇投机炒作。

    A property boom in the Cambodian capital has brought a whirl of demolition of old buildings, plans for new high-rise developments, and speculative investment in satellite towns.


  • 高楼大厦已经很多了,加上公路的铺设,停车场建造这些日益减少的绿化总面积城市大气温度空气质量还有能源消耗都带来巨大的影响

    Add to that the construction of roads, parking lots, and yet more buildings, and the total lost green space can have a very real effect on a city's air temperature, air quality, and energy costs.


  • 阿联酋依靠石油一夜致富,建造大量的高楼大厦,但是他们大厦里必须依靠空调才能度过炎热的天气。 没有石油他们将无法继续这么舒适的生活。

    The Emirates have seen one of the world's most spectacular building booms paid for by oil and made tolerable by air conditioners, which also depend on oil to feed their vast appetite for energy.


  • 1968年,36层的霞关大厦建造之前,这座宝塔是当时日本第一高楼

    It was the tallest structure in Japan until the 36-storey Kasumigaseki Building was erected in 1968.


  • 我们向来以为人类可以动物不到事情例如建造高楼

    We all believe human can do thing other animals can't do, like write books or build buildings.


  • 建筑学家表示,这座高楼可能2062年落成,使用3d打印技术建造墙壁可以抵挡强风极端气候。

    They say that the mighty tower could be built by 2062, using 3d printing technology to create walls that could withstand high winds and unique climates.


  • 他们表示,这座高楼可能2062年落成,使用3d打印技术建造墙壁可以抵挡强风极端气候。

    They say that the mighty tower could be built by 2062, using 3d printing technology to create walls that could withstand high winds and unique climates.


  • 这家公司拿到了建造欧洲这份极分量的合同

    The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe's tallest building.


  • 他们认为建造高楼大厦有助于解决城市里土地日趋紧张矛盾。

    They believe that building skyscrapers helps to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city.


  • 想象一个手中没有设计图却要建造高楼大厦工程师吗?

    Can you imagine an engineer building a tall skyscraper without a plan?


  • 19世纪建造高楼技术已经存在楼房的高度一个很重要因素的制约。

    The technology existed to do this as early as the 19th century. But the height of buildings was limited by one important factor.


  • 科学帮助我们建造了许多高楼大厦电梯使我们毫不费力气一会儿就到达顶楼

    Science has helped us in building multi-stored buildings and elevators helps us to reach even the top floors within no time and that to without straining our legs.


  • 如果只作为公寓出租,就无法抵消建造那样高楼所需要的昂贵建筑成本

    Apartments alone couldn't cover the extraordinary cost of construction at such heights.


  • 公司介绍:我们1985年开始就从事建设工作,主要设计建造钢筋混凝土房屋高楼

    Company Information: We work in the feild of buildings and constructions. We are contractors since 1985. We design and build houses and multi-story buildings. concrete and steel structures...


  • 只有你们部落搬迁出去我们公司才可能在这里建造高楼大厦,没准还有希望得到其中房子呢。

    Only when your tribe moves out can the company build luxury houses here and hopefully I get one of them.


  • 我们来到这个地球并不是成为木头石块建造高楼大厦技工,应成为圣主柴坦教导信使

    We are here on earth not to work as artisans for making big buildings with wood and stone but to work only as messengers for the teachings of Sri Caitanya Deva.


  • 犹大山地建造城邑,在树林中建筑营寨高楼

    Moreover he built cities in the mountains of Judah, and in the forests he built castles and towers.


  • 建筑学家表示,这座高楼可能2062年落成,使用3D打印技术建造墙壁可以抵挡强风极端气候。

    They say that the mighty 5 tower could be built by 2062, using 3D printing technology to create walls that could withstand high winds and unique climates.


  • 城市看法是情绪化的,由于足迹资源浪费生产力缩减我们别无选择必须去建造物美价廉高楼大厦。

    People sentimentalize their notions of the city but with the carbon footprint the waste of resources our shrinking capacity we have no choice but to build good high-rise buildings that are affordable.


  • 世界最高建筑“迪拜塔”落成揭幕,这座高楼经济鼎盛时期动工,1.2万名工人参与建造

    Started at the height of the economic boom and built by some 12,000 laborers, the world's tallest building opened in Dubai.


  • 虽然很多城市规划者肆无忌惮地追逐者建造越来越多的高楼大厦,使设计的都市日显现代气息但真正建筑大师们致力于保护传统建筑

    Although many urban planners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their cities look modern, true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture.


  • 虽然很多城市规划者肆无忌惮地追逐者建造越来越多的高楼大厦,使设计的都市日显现代气息但真正建筑大师们致力于保护传统建筑

    Although many urban planners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their cities look modern, true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture.


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