• 赫琴收到样本来自世界各地设施,他其进行检测以寻找诸如浓缩非法材料线索

    Hutcheon receives samples from nuclear facilities throughout the world.He then tests them for evidence of illegal materials like highly enriched uranium.


  • 原想这一次富有魅力进攻,可是取得了适得其反的效果,因为穆塔基坚称即使研究反应堆协议通过伊朗也会继续自行生产20%的浓缩

    Intended as a charm offensive, it backfired when Mottaki insisted that even if the research reactor deal went through, Iran would continue to produce its own 20%-enriched uranium.


  • 呼吁高浓缩作为核反应堆燃料的国家改用浓缩

    It called on states with reactors burning high-enriched uranium to switch to the low-enriched sort.


  • 美国巴基斯坦转移了大量浓缩,毫无疑问,这些高浓缩用于建造一个非法核武器装置

    The United States has been working to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani nuclear reactor, out of concern that it could be used to build an illicit nuclear device.


  • 教授提到目前全世界大约130个利用高浓缩作为燃料反应堆

    Professor Bunn says there are currently about 130 research reactors around the world that still use highly enriched uranium for fuel.


  • 有些国家正在清除存储可用于制造核武的高浓缩有些国家正在降低反应堆扩散风险,还有一些国家将会议上签署协议并支持国际原子能机构的工作。

    Some are getting rid of their stocks of highly enriched uranium or plutonium, both used in bombs. Others are lowering the risk of proliferation from reactors.


  • 最终伊朗退出协议挑衅地开始自行进行20%的浓缩(研制出核能炸弹浓缩燃料迈出了大步)。

    In the end, Iran backed out of the deal and provocatively started enriching to 20% itself (a big step further towards the high-enriched stuff need for a bomb).


  • IAEA根据军事上相当数量(significant quantity)”标准估计:25kg浓缩或者8 kg分离可以制造件核武器

    The IAEA assesses these things using a measure of militarily "significant quantity" : the amount of highly enriched uranium (25kg) or separated plutonium (8kg) it would take to make a weapon.


  • 哈佛大学贝尔弗尔科学与国际事务研究中心估计,全球大约160万千克浓缩以及50万千克的武器级钚。

    According to the Belfer Centre at Harvard University, there is around 1.6m kg of highly-enriched uranium and 0.5m kg of weapons-grade plutonium in the world.


  • 华盛顿军事情报官员告诉参议院委员会伊朗可能年后生产出足够可用于制造核武器浓缩

    In Washington, a military intelligence official told a Senate committee that Iran could be one year away from producing enough highly-enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon.


  • 协议草案要求伊朗80%自行生产的低纯度的法国俄罗斯换取浓缩核燃料

    It calls for Iran to trade about 80 percent of its domestically produced low-grade uranium for more highly enriched nuclear fuel from France and Russia.


  • 然而同一份报告中IAEA表示伊朗已经开始圣城库姆附近地下工厂中安装用于制造浓缩机器

    However, in the same report, the IAEA says Iran has begun installing machines for creating highly enriched uranium at an underground site near the holy city of Qom.


  • 伊朗表示研制出一种新型离心分离机,对进行浓缩的效率现在使用的设备

    Iran says it's developed a new type of centrifuge which it says will be six times more efficient at enriching uranium than those currently in use.


  • 全球设施样本都送到哈这里,然后测试这些样本是否含非法成分高浓缩

    Hutcheon receives samples from nuclear facilities throughout the world. He then tests them for evidence of illegal materials like highly enriched uranium.


  • 来自世界上接近50个国家领导人华盛顿参加安全峰会乌克兰承诺2012年之前消除高浓缩

    As leaders from nearly 50 countries meet in Washington for a major summit on Nuclear Security, Ukraine has pledged to eliminate stockpile of highly enriched uranium by 2012.


  • 来自世界上接近50个国家领导人华盛顿参加安全峰会乌克兰承诺2012年之前消除高浓缩

    As leaders from nearly 50 countries meet in Washington for a major summit on Nuclear Security, Ukraine has pledged to eliminate stockpile of highly enriched uranium by 2012.


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