We'll discuss overriding abstract and concrete members in detail in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Scala.
We'll see how in the section called "Overriding Abstract Types" in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Scala.
我们会在《第6章- Scala高级面向对象编程》的”重写类和Traits 的成员“重温这个问题。
We’ll revisit these questions in the section called “Overriding Members of Classes and Traits” in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming In Scala.
See the section called "Overriding Members of Classes and Traits" in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Scala for more details.
The class and object can have the same name, as we will see in the section called "Companion Objects" in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Scala.
我们会在《第6章 -Scala高级面向对象编程》的“当方法和字段存取器无法区分时:唯一存取的原则”章节来更多的讨论这一点。
We’ll discuss this more in the section called “When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle” in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming In Scala.
We'll see another useful example of named and default arguments when we discuss case classes in the section called "case classes" in Chapter 6, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Scala.
In that sense, VFS is like object orientation, high-level languages, or run-time libraries: it provides nothing new, and you can do in your own programming everything VFS does.
It opened the door for advanced objected-oriented programming in PHP, and allowed you to implement many design patterns much easier, along with better design classes and APIs.
Python is a high-level, extensible, interpreted, object-oriented programming language that combines remarkable power with clear syntax.
It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming.
It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming.