该国已经要求黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组(YF -ICG)提供支持,该小组管理全球黄热病疫苗应急储备。
The country has requested support from the International Coordinating Group on yellow fever vaccine Provision (YF-ICG), which manages the global emergency stockpile of yellow fever vaccine.
This support is part of the global Yellow Fever Initiative which aims to prevent devastating yellow fever epidemics and secure adequate yellow fever vaccine supply for Africa.
The yellow fever vaccine contained human serum, and MacCallum was aware of other hepatitis cases reported in the medical literature that followed inoculation with vaccines containing human serum.
Live vaccines, such as oral poliovirus vaccine; yellow fever vaccine; and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, do not contain thiomersal, because it would kill the immunizing component.
病人是一位61岁男子,没有接种过黄热病疫苗史。 病人于2009年7月27日出现症状,伴有发烧、黄疸和背痛。
The patient is a 61 year-old man male, without history of yellow fever vaccination, who presented with fever, jaundice and back pain with onset of symptoms on 27 July 2009.
What kind of yellow fever vaccines are valid under the IHR (2005) and must they be administered at a vaccination centre designated by the State or at a listed WHO-approved vaccination centre?
Furthermore, care should be taken that routine yellow fever vaccination programmes are not jeopardized by risk– benefit ratios that may be inapplicable to the target populations in endemic countries.
Furthermore, care should be taken that routine yellow fever vaccination programmes are not jeopardized by risk– benefit ratios that may be inapplicable to the target populations in endemic countries.