Some scholars predict that the next ten years will be a "golden decade" for Asia, and that Asia will emerge as a new force for global stability and prosperity.
In fact, it now takes much less gold to pay off the U. S. debt than it did a decade ago.
In fact, it now takes much less gold to pay off the U.S. debt than it did a decade ago.
For a decade now, the image of Leonardo DiCaprio cruising in his hybrid Toyota Prius has defined the gold standard for environmentalism.
But there is plenty of evidence that, as Credit Suisse puts it, "the past decade has been especially conducive to the establishment and preservation of large fortunes."
It began doing so a decade ago, around the same time that oil prices began rising.
In the last ten years, our dollar has been devalued 80percent in terms of gold.
It is dearer than it has been for decades, yet jewellers and industrialists would need years to use up all the world's stocks.
For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves.
Forget gold and oil.Investors looking to beat the recession in the next decade might want to consider hitting the open range and starting a sheep farm.
The price of gold has been steadily increasing over the past decade—from $300 per ounce in 2003 to $1, 100 per ounce in 2010.
Such fears have ramped the price of gold up to an incredible $1,545 a troy ounce, up almost sixfold in a decade.
Gold has gone up for 10 years in a row, and silver has been very strong for the last year.
如果只是让它们在我的首饰盒里呆上十年,为什么不卖掉呢“她炫耀的说。 另外,她49岁的丈夫Don说”如果你想的话,你总是可以买到新的黄金首饰。”
"Why not get rid of it if it's just going to sit in my jewelry box for 10 years?" she says triumphantly.
Truly, the past decade has witnessed many advantages of the Golden Week holiday, but we should never ignore its disadvantages.
It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country's best artists about ten years to make.
Now gold is in the batters' box and could remain there for as much as another decade.
When completed, sometime over the next decade, Sepang Goldcoast will have resorts, amusement parks, a marina, floating market and wildlife habitats.
Gold held by such central Banks relative to the currencies issued by them has fallen considerably over the last few decades, especially in US, "Quantum Gold Fund said."
Gold held by such central Banks relative to the currencies issued by them has fallen considerably over the last few decades, especially in US, "Quantum Gold Fund said."