These object are so dense that nothing, not even light, escapes once inside a sphere of influence known as an event horizon.
However, you will never see pulsations, because a black hole has no surface, like a neutron star.
The ultimate time warp is at the surface of a black hole, where in a sense time stands still relative to our time.
He discovered that a black hole's entropy - which is synonymous with its information content - is proportional to the surface area of its event horizon.
But once inside the event horizon (the surface of a black hole) it is never possible to communicate with the outside.
Thus the lack of such flare-ups around a compact concentration of mass is taken as evidence that the object is a black hole, with no surface onto which matter can be suddenly dumped.
An unwary space voyager ensnared by a black hole will never be seen to enter it, but only to become frozen to its surface.
According to the new equations, the matter black holes absorb and seemingly destroy is actually expelled and becomes the building blocks for galaxies, stars, and planets in another reality.
The "surface" of a black hole is the so-called event horizon, an imaginary surface surrounding the mass of the black hole.
The "surface" of a black hole is the so-called event horizon, an imaginary surface surrounding the mass of the black hole.