纹身不像你想象的那样疼痛。你知道 龙纹身的女孩下载。
The pain from tattoo is not nearly as bad as what you might imagine.
No surprise, Hollywood has come calling. A U.S. version of the first book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, is scheduled to hit theaters next December.
Some people said that this was a film that only Mr Fincher, the director of "Seven" and "the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", could have done well.
As for the first, "the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," she told me that it was thoroughly edited, and that big changes were made, before he died.
“It’s not ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’, ” said Trish Slater, a saleswoman. “But it’s selling very well.”
"It's not 'the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'," said Trish Slater, a saleswoman. "But it's selling very well."
到目前为止,他写的一些书仅在欧洲就已经销售了2000万册,首当其冲的就是在英国出版发行的《龙纹身的女孩》(the Girlwith theDragon Tattoo)。
Some 20 million of his books, the first of which was published in Britain as the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, have been sold to date in Europe alone.
到目前为止,他写的一些书仅在欧洲就已经销售了2000万册,首当其冲的就是在英国出版发行的《龙纹身的女孩》(the Girlwith theDragon Tattoo)。
Some 20 million of his books, the first of which was published in Britain as the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, have been sold to date in Europe alone.