This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars.
Use Proper Supplies: Every birder knows they need a good field guide and the right optics to see the birds, but summer birding requires some additional equipment.
Furthermore, because birding is primarily observation, it has a very low impact on the local environment.
Birding is a fun, rewarding hobby that is easy to get started with.
Traveling to birding festivals or taking a birding tour can be other excellent ways to connect with birders.
Birding organizations may organize competitions such as spotting the most number of birds in a specific time period or location.
This is the season many birders look forward to most after a long winter with fewer birds, and with the right spring birding tips it is easy to make the most of this season’s best birds.
经过了一个漫长的、鸟儿稀少的冬季,很多观鸟者都在翘首期盼春天的到来。 注意以下要点,可以帮助你简单但最大程度地享受春天观鸟。
Finally, always take a bottle of water along, even if you are birding in a cooler location and not during the heat of the day.
Established in 1913 as an elk sanctuary and the only fully fenced park in Canada, elk Island is a popular destination for birding and viewing the park's free-roaming bison and elk.
Even birders who opt for a field bag, binoculars and other birding supplies can find suitable options for low budgets.
Spring is a fantastic time for birding as many seasonal migrants return and nesting season begins.
Birding is a popular pastime that naturally leads to an interest in bird identification.
Summer is a fabulous time for taking a birding field trip, and the best birders know how to take advantage of summer birding and beat the heat at the same time without endangering the birds.
Anyone can succeed at birding, from the avid birder who attends seminars and joins birding trips, to the beginner who just wants to have a functional and decorative birdhouse.
The fresh air along a birding trail can be invigorating, while the companionship of backyard birds can brighten any dreary day.
Costa Rica has been on any eco-minded traveler’s radar for years, but with a new birding route in the northeast region of the country, there’s a new reason to pay the country a visit.
Birding is a great hobby and it can be enjoyable at any time of year if you are properly prepared for the season and you know where to find the birds.
Birding is a hobby that works well with other pastimes, including.
The Wildlife refuge is nationally and internationally renowned as a prime birding spot where thousands of water, land and shorebirds stop during migration.
After a few hours of birding, this can become an issue.
After a ferry, I was able to go birding, hiking and dining just near the small area of Yung Shue Wan.
Are you a member of any birding group or organization?
Birders may also participate in organized competitions and birding marathons to see a wide number of species.
Birders may also participate in organized competitions and birding marathons to see a wide number of species.