A-share market may continue this growing style next year.
After the sharp fall in a row, A-share market has been weak.
Chinese money may be flowing back into the A-share market recently.
But in the A-share market, capital and fund the response to this is not the same.
Kam to know, as long as the Chinese economy are confident that, A-share market is promising.
Therefore, it can be concluded that, in the short term, A-share market has a guiding effect on B-share market.
The A-share market is like a gambling parlour where the odds are so lopsided you never win, by Mr Cheah's description.
This article analyzes the dividend policy of banking companies in A-share market and puts forward relevant suggestions.
GF SECURITIES said that A-share market will remain in the "slow bear" of the shock pattern in the fourth quarter of this year.
The restructuring of the telecom industry impacted China Mobile, while the weak A-share market was negative for insurance companies.
China Securities Journal news, since 2011, "PE + listed companies" mergers and acquisitions fund model has swept the A-share market.
中证报消息,自2011年以来,“PE +上市公司”并购基金模式席卷A股市场。
One retail route to the A-share market, he said, is the Morgan Stanley China a share Fund, a closed-end offering that started in 2007.
他说,一种进入A股市场的零售渠道是摩根·士丹利中国A股基金(Morgan Stanley Chinaa Share Fund),这是从2007年开始推出的一种封闭型基金。
Therefore, the paper suggests that CAPM is ineffective and the asset pricing depends on multi-factor model in Shanghai A-share market.
Industry point out that such a view, Enlight media is expected to become the first domestic A-share market listed private media companies.
By testing the weak efficiency of Chinese A-share market in this paper, the conclusion that Chinese A-share market not be weak efficiency is made.
Wed A-share market for the second consecutive trading day sharply lower once again spill in the fall called "CBBC line" half-year line of support.
I think it is no coincidence that Huayi Brothers became the first privately held entertainment companies in China to have snapped a successful IPO in the A-share market.
None has a decent grip on China’s local A-share market, and in local-currency bond and loan issuance in Asia the only foreigners that get a look-in are the network banks.
The overall asset securitization rate of China's military industry is currently only at 25%. A total of 70 listed in the A-share market are among the top ten military enterprises.
This paper studies the response of A-share market to the announcement on the special treatment of stock dealing, using the method of excess earnings and multiple regression analysis.
本文运用超额收益法和多元回归分析法,研究了我国A股市场对股票交易实行特别处理的公告的反应。 我们的研究发现市场对该公告有显著的负反应。
They claim to have a 40% worldwide market share.
A 50% market share is achievable.
A certain automaker aims to increase its market share by deeply discounting its vehicles' prices for the next several months.
Someday some brand will be the Coca-Cola or Nokia or Nike of personal computers with a market share of 40% or so.
Its market share is believed to be down to 37% from a 2015 high of 54%.
They want to have a share of the seniors' goods market.
We should aim for a bigger share of the market.
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.