China's A-share stock market has longer lagged autocorrelations than the US market;
Since China A-share stock market was establishment, there had been a number of huge shocks in the market.
Based on the related theoretical research, this paper makes detailed analysis of the measurement and reasonable range of the bubble in China's A-share stock market.
So when confidence in equities is high, there is a huge surge of liquidity into the stock market that bids up domestic share prices to unrealistic levels.
While the real ownership of the stock market is impossible to pin down, Mr Howie's analysis poses important questions about what might happen if there is a sharp crash in share prices.
Rather than being a leading indicator of an economic recovery, a growing suspicion is the A-share move is due to the huge bank stimulus lending being funneled into the stock market.
You can see that the stock market has been more volatile than the earnings and the price of a share is many times higher than the earnings per share.
The enterprises in book industry begin to trade in credit on a large scale, in order to enlarge the market share and shrink the stock.
The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared.
The value of a company stock is often directly related to it's market share.
Based on basic chaotic dynamic theory, a human body and a stock market share many factors such as emergent phenomena and self-organization, etc.
Using transactions data for A-share stocks in Shenzhen stock market, this paper studies market depths change after increased limit order book disclosure.
Receivable account is a kind of claimable income by selling goods in stock on credit, through which enterprises can promote their market share and increase profit.
This paper studies the response of A-share market to the announcement on the special treatment of stock dealing, using the method of excess earnings and multiple regression analysis.
本文运用超额收益法和多元回归分析法,研究了我国A股市场对股票交易实行特别处理的公告的反应。 我们的研究发现市场对该公告有显著的负反应。
We also find that Share A markets are more efficient than Share B markets, but there is no clear evidence on which stock exchanges market, Shanghai or Shenzhen, is more efficient.
我们还发现,A股市场比B 股市场有效性相对更高,但没有系统的证据显示沪深股市谁的有效性更高。
Very high initial returns can be found in China's a share stock market.
Company high level expresses, when company share price basically suffers stock market influence to drop considerably, counter-purchase a stock to be helpful for investor.
Split Share Structure makes corporate governance lack of common benefit basis and becomes a significant obstacle of perfect stock market basis system.
This paper tests the underpricing of IPOs of a share market based on the research methods developed from the Western empirical studies and combined with the environment of Chinese stock market.
I believe, the surging of a share stock market will make the positive influence on surrounding stock markets in Asia Pacific Region.
Greenmail is the practice of buying larger share of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value.
It began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on August 9th at $14 a share, and the price has since doubled, giving it a market value of $1.65 billion.
China slashed the tax on share trading last night in an effort to encourage investors to return to a stock market that has fallen by nearly half over the past six months.
China slashed the tax on share trading last night in an effort to encourage investors to return to a stock market that has fallen by nearly half over the past six months.