The hope that veteran's advocates like Rieckhoff have is that soldiers get a fair shake and a fuller understanding of the difficult job they do.
We're at a state similar to going to a lawyer, and the lawyers try to sell themselves based on secret processes that only they had that would allow you to get a fair shake before a judge.
It's to make sure all our people are getting a fair shake. It's to make sure everyone who's willing to work for it still has a chance to reach for the American dream.
Firstly, to decide whether college rankings give a college a fair shake, it is crucial to look at themethodology of the ranking system.
He's always very honest with customers so you can depend on him to give you a fair shake when it comes to getting a good price.
The best thing about him is that he gives everybody a fair shake - he gives us all a chance to compete for promotion and he treats every man and woman on the staff with respect.
He "s always very honest with customers so you can depend on him to give you a fair shake when it comes to getting a good price."
He "s always very honest with customers so you can depend on him to give you a fair shake when it comes to getting a good price."