This is a far cry from the funds necessary for a problem of such magnitude.
Given that current MS treatments are a far cry from a cure and do not work for everyone, some people with MS feel there is no harm in trying something that might improve their quality of life.
Brazil and Mexico both have deficits of less than 2% of GDP, a far cry from the fiscal laxness of a few years ago.
That's a far cry from the US approach, where assisted suicide is illegal everywhere except Oregon and Washington, and in those states available only to residents suffering from a deadly disease.
The forlorn scene on a recent Monday afternoon is a far cry from the images of the 2008 Olympic Games playing out on giant screens 100m above the tourists' heads.
Though a far cry from the Nexus-6 models of Dick's prolific imagination, personal robots seem to be shrugging off their science-fiction trappings and becoming very much a technological reality.
虽然与迪克多产的幻想作品中的纳克斯- 6型差距很大,但个人机器人似乎正在摆脱它们的科幻困境,成为实实在在的技术现实。
Mr Meshal was said to have fumed at the sight of a video that showed girls and boys cavorting in the resort’s pools, a far cry from the “resistance culture” he would like to foster.
据说,当马沙尔在录像里看到一群年轻男女还在此地的游泳池中嬉戏时,怒火中烧。 毕竟这与他所希望此地形成的“抵抗性文化”相去甚远。
Human subjects, or countertops, in LABS are cleaned first, then covered on the surface with a target bug. That is a far cry from a typical kitchen or a pair of grimy hands.
In a far cry from the brutalist set up of British or American prisons, there is even a "kitchen laboratory" where inmates can take specialist cooking courses.
This is a pretty basic set of widgets, and a far cry from the variety of widgets you get with commercial systems, but it's enough for demonstration purposes.
It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread.
Siddiqui's best time for the 100m is 11.81 seconds, a Pakistani record she set in April, and 24.36 seconds in the 200m which are both a far cry from top international standards.
Estonia is headed for a two-year recession and won't grow again until 2010, its central bank warned Wednesday, a far cry from the Baltic nation's roaring growth of over 10% until 2006.
I am aboard a dedicated tourist train, the Tsar's Gold service, which provides levels of comfort that are a far cry from those found on standard Trans-Siberian trains.
Mild mannered and precise when he speaks, he is a far cry from the mix of Quakers, pacifists, drafts resisters and hippies who founded the organization a quarter-century ago.
Any way you look at it, typing on a tablet is a far cry from typing on a desktop, laptop, or netbook.
Watching a movie is definitely a far cry from taking a vacation in Hawaii.
This was a far cry from his trial last year on similar charges, which resulted in a single conviction (lying to the FBI) and a hung jury on 23 other counts.
That is a far cry from when Ms. Riley Tennant began working as a software-testing manager 20 years ago.
It is a far cry from the days when the most expensive item in your work bag was likely to be a book.
Unable to spend freely on what was probably his final show on July 7th, he presented restrained, wearable clothes in just a handful of colours—a far cry from his usual baroque fantasies.
[color=#000000]It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-life detective work.
Migrants and returning residents have nudged Saskatchewan's population back over 1m-a far cry from predictions of 10m made a century ago, but seen as a milestone nonetheless.
As far as the app selection goes, it's currently a far cry from the iPhone app store, which is a bit sad considering that Symbian has been around a lot longer than iPhone.
就目前商店的应用软件选择来看,它与iphone的app store相去甚远,这是有些凄凉的考虑到Symbian比起iphone流传已久。
At that point, they're just punching a clock — a far cry from the loyal brand ambassadors you need them to be.
在那时,他们只是在签到- -这和你需要他们成为忠诚的品牌大使有很大区别。
The report is a far cry from last year, when second-quarter profitsdropped sharply after a fall in mortgage revenue and a rise in legal costs.
The findings are reminders that a genome sequence can be a far cry from knowledge of gene products.
The findings are reminders that a genome sequence can be a far cry from knowledge of gene products.