Make a scrapbook page with pictures of a special event or fun day from the past and frame it.
We heard about a special intensive reading program that required students to spend four hours every day in a small room with an instructor.
Making breakfast or going out for a cup of coffee and a muffin can be a special way to show someone you want to take out time in your busy day to be with them.
On this special day, the seal got a large ice fish cake as a birthday gift.
Initially I found the concept of having a special day for fathers a bit strange – in my Indian culture, it’s our duty to always respect and honour our fathers and mothers.
But what they didn't know was that it was a special day, the day when, once a year, the Emperor himself administered the law.
Christmas is a special day, even in a hospital bed thousands of miles from home.
This very day in London, a parade of models will be taking to the West End in a special event organised by French lingerie companies, including Simone Pérèle, Aubade and Passionata.
现在在伦敦,在法国内衣公司组织的特殊活动中,模特秀将会在伦敦西区举行,包括西蒙佩儿, 欧巴德和贝莎娜塔。
For the record, Valentine's Day this year falls on a Monday, not Apple's favorite day for a special event.
I followed Bruce's journey and will tell you what his prognosis is in a very special half-hour airing this weekend and then a special hour airing Father's Day.
The plans are revealed the day before Miss Middleton appears on the cover of a special royal wedding edition of Tatler in a mock-up of Andy Warhol's famous 1962 Marilyn Monroe screen prints.
威廉王子的未婚妻米德尔顿登上Tatler杂志皇室婚礼特别版,她的造型模仿了AndyWarhol经典的1962年玛丽莲·梦露油画造型。 而就在准王妃上封面的前一天,有关这对新人的婚礼计划被公布了出来。
"I am a morning person, " she says. "It is a special time in the day that I enjoy ... and always have."
我是一个爱早起的人“,她说,” 早上的那段特殊时光我特别喜欢,我也会一直保持下去的。
As an implementor of an XML processor, we might define a special date datatype that conforms to the format of day-month-year, but uses various separators, not just a hyphen (-).
作为XML处理器的实现者,我们可以定义一个特殊的date 数据类型,该类型遵循 “日-月-年” 的格式,也可以使用其他分隔符,不一定要使用连字符 (-)。
Kidnap them: If you know your partner has nothing to do on a certain day, why not kidnap them and surprise them with a special getaway?
In my family it was always a really special day and whenever it was anybody's birthday we would have a huge breakfast, with balloons, banners, a big cake and a pile of presents on the table.
The holiday places special emphasis on romantic love, so it's a day to spend with a sweetheart or spouse.
One day a "special" thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget.
A candy bar somehow tastes more special if we treat ourselves once in a while instead of every day.
A special needs pass can help you avoid long lines, loud antechambers or restrictive rules that would inhibit your ability to have a relaxing day.
Three or four times a day, David treats himself to a special smoothie made with 15 different fruits and vegetables.
However the idea of having an extra-special day with your father is a fun thing to do and I hope that where ever you are, all fathers and their families are having a fabulous day of celebration.
You don't want to make a special request to the IT department to run a report that will appear in a day or two, that's for sure.
I was a bit surprised when I googled 'singles day' on the Internet, to find that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives.
This would be an ideal day for a presentation or to do special brainstorming with others where you can participate a great deal.
It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to forget him.
March 4 is National Grammar Day, so I have a special top-10 show to celebrate the occasion, and before you argue with me, read the whole explanation about why each of these is a myth.
People choose a number as his or her lucky number because of various reasons, such as birthday, a special day or a story, which considered to bring good luck to them.
Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor.
It took nearly a decade, but Internet giant Google is finally honoring Veterans day with a special holiday design for its famous logo.
It took nearly a decade, but Internet giant Google is finally honoring Veterans day with a special holiday design for its famous logo.