Do leave the personal computer immediately. You may have a ample existence.
Auditing: Beceramics of little costs; a baby aperture can bore a ample address.
The experiment result showed that it is a ample convenient fast and accurate analytical approach. It can use as a analytical method in suitable situation.
My body is a temple with ample parking in the rear.
Bo met me at the front door in jeans and a white T-shirt over his ample girth.
Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence.
Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home.
In traditional brick-and-mortar shopping, customers have ample opportunity to examine a product and ensure it is what they want.
It will not only help us in looking at their positive light, but also act as a positive vibe giving them ample fillip to look at our efforts more positively.
If you're developing a new application or have ample resources to localize an existing application, by all means, don't be afraid to be more aggressive if it is warranted.
Each two-pane set is fitted with a spacer that creates ample space between them.
Your smartphone should come with ample memory for an online collaboration to launch a mobile Web site.
And—a simple but crucial point—each room has ample electrical outlets.
Mandelson said that the strategy was a "proportionate measure that will give people ample awareness and opportunity to stop breaking the rules".
From involuntary idleness, servile dependence, penury, and useless Labour, he has passed to toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample subsistence.
A shift dress will give you an ample amount of coverage and has nice seaming details that can help define the curves of your body for you.
Yet Kinzer's U. S. -Iranian-Turkish alliance is a long-term project, and the idea has ample grounding in the modern history of the region.
A strengthening dollarand ample supply kept oil cheap for most of the 1990s, feeding America’saddiction to imports.
When discussing cultural differences in love, a friend (who has ample experience) once summed it up nicely: "the French are romantic while the Chinese are sentimental."
The exercise requires a large wall (or floor space) and an ample supply of sticky notes.
From involuntary idleness, servile dependence, penury, and useless labour, he has passed to toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample subsistence.--This is an American....
Like them, he made ample use of a biting sense of humor (" Let the dead bury their dead ").
In the meantime, rivals with ample cash could buy themselves even more of a head start in enterprise software.
Why wouldn't a company want to hire someone with more-than - ample experience and skills?
By his own admission, he was a lippy, rowdy brat who coasted through his youth on ample amounts of beer and bourbon.
If you're renting, choose a house with an ample kitchen, outdoor space for the kids and a pleasant living area for after-dinner conversations.
That is ample to plug a Libyan gap but would hasten the day when growing world demand sucks up all spare production capacity.
That is ample to plug a Libyan gap but would hasten the day when growing world demand sucks up all spare production capacity.