Its mission is to self-deploy from an intermediate support base to a sea base area of operations.
The third indispensable condition for establishing a base area is the use of all our strength, including our armed forces, to arouse the masses for struggle against Japan.
Many trees in these climates have adapted to having a dry area near their base during the hottest season.
The sum of this figure must be the area of a base.
Well, what is the area of a base?
The drives were kept in a secure area of the base at Innsworth, which was regularly patrolled, and they were not encrypted.
Constructing the $2.5 billion runway on reclaimed land in waters off the existing base has already poured a good deal of money into the area.
根据计划,在已有军事基地附近海域中有一块围海圈成的陆地,其将被用来建造新机场跑道,预计该项目将耗资25亿美圆。 目前工程已给这一地区注入了大量资金。
They compare average temperatures at any given time and place to a long-term average, or base period, for each area.
A town might have a lot of hotspots providing fast, short-range access, along with a larger base station covering the entire area with a slower connection as fallback.
Some fear that such a rapid expansion of the monetary base will stoke inflation, which is still above 5% in America and Britain and 3.6% in the euro area.
We just got out of the Disneyland resort area and took a Taxi cab to Yosuka Navy Base. I am now safe and on base with my family.
The base controversy has revolved around where to move a Marine Corps Air Station currently located in a crowded urban area known as Futenma. 'The reason that [Mr.
Which problems are more significant to solve or the choice of problem area constitutes a paradigm base within which research takes place.
The integration demonstrated MONAX's ability to provide coverage over a substantial network area of more than 3,800 kilometers2 (70-kilometer cell diameter) with just one base station.
I'll send our hunters to scout the area while we establish a base.
Wireless communication systems typically include a plurality of base stations strategically located to provide wireless communication coverage over a selected area or region.
They found that most people stayed within an area with a six-mile (10 km) radius while a few did travel hundreds of miles from their home base.
Huayi signed an agreement in February with the Shanghai Jiading Industrial Zone to build a cultural complex in the area, primarily for use as a film production base.
We just relocated to a more visible location for our area and within a month we are already seeing an increase in our customer base.
It was an affordable, pretty area that was a good base for work trips to southern Georgia.
At 11:25 a.m., the explosion ripped through the Kleen Energy Systems LLC natural-gas power plant being built here in a sparse industrial area along the base of the Connecticut River.
上午11点25分,康涅狄格河沿岸工业区在建的Kleen EnergySystemsLLC天然气发电厂发生爆炸。
I'm sure that his appointment there will ensure a firm base for operations in the area.
Your body temperature is set by your hypothalamus, an area at the base of your brain that ACTS as a thermostat for your whole system.
Sanya has piers necessary to base a far larger force of surface warships, a new large pier, and many new housing and headquarters buildings in this attractive resort area.
Teacher: We can work out the area of a parallelogram if we know the base and height of it.
Spatial variation pattern of water movement parameters in unsaturated soil is the base of parameter estimation in a large area.
The western area of Heilongjiang province, as a chief base of stockbreeding, the sheep is mainly concentrated here.
The western area of Heilongjiang province, as a chief base of stockbreeding, the sheep is mainly concentrated here.