A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him.
Say you're sitting around with some friends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites.
I will date you (if you're female), I will be friends with you, and I will probably even pay for dinner if we go out and you order a meat dish.
It's not unusual to be sitting in a restaurant and to look across at the next table and see film stars and directors with their friends.
This act was a signal to his victim's friends that he was someone to be reckoned with.
If you know you're going to be out late, make sure you've got enough money for a taxi to get home again or arrange to stay with friends for the night.
These friends-of-friends, people we might spend time with at social or work gatherings, might not be like us but they can still have a positive influence because we share the same sort of interests.
Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of "Friends", a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston's with a few taps on their remote control.
Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of "Friends", a popular sitcom, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston's with a few taps on their remote control.
The princess didn't want to be friends with a frog, but she promised anyway.
A boy might be careful about sharing his feelings with his close friends.
It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling, and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days.
A good example of being generous would be, if you're with friends, you could purchase the pitcher of drinks.
If they weren't a good person, why would you be friends with them?
Healthy relationships with family, friends and other loved ones can be a great source of support, comfort and love.
How can you be friends with a monster of that sort?
A Hare was very popular with the other beasts who all claimed to be her friends.
It's as important for you to be a good friend as it is to surround yourself with good friends.
But 76 percent believe it is acceptable to be friends with a workplace peer, according to the survey of 1,000 people by Liberty Mutual's Responsibility Project.
Cathy and Hareton become friends Cathy decides that she wants to be friends with Hareton and he accepts a book as a gift. Ch 32.
Whether you are going for a job promotion or planning a night out with your friends - he should be your biggest cheerleader.
We want to do a good job, but we want to be friends with everyone, too.
We can be happy just seeing a film with friends.
On the other side there could be a teen chatting with friends online.
With unemployment at 9.8% — a 26-year high — more would-be renters are doubling up or moving in with family and friends during periods of job loss.
Those who use it simply to share their current location with friends will be annoyed as a useful tool is missing.
Unexpected romantic connections can be made if you go out with friends or take a pleasure trip.
In the real world, an activity such as going to dinner with your friends could be considered a loosely coupled activity.
Thus, you may have many friends, or be in a room filled with people, and still be lonely.
Thus, you may have many friends, or be in a room filled with people, and still be lonely.