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He added that the proposal might help efforts to reach a binding agreement on climate change later this year.
For the first time in history, a nation would seriously consider accepting a binding agreement not to extract fossil fuels.
Russia also wants the Georgian leadership to sign a binding agreement renouncing the use of force to recover the lost territories.
But his optimism contrasted with the increasing doubts around the world enough time remains to deliver a binding agreement in Copenhagen.
A covenant is "a binding agreement or promise", and as this covenant is made by God Himself, then there is no doubt that it will be fulfilled.
On executive pay, France and Germany had hoped for a binding agreement to cap bonuses, but they will not get one because of British and US opposition.
America's failure so far to pass climate-change legislation means that a legally binding agreement will not be reached at the conference.
Opponents of this approach complain that unless the targets are internationally binding, and there is a compliance mechanism to enforce them, any global agreement will be toothless.
"I think it's extremely unlikely we will see a legally binding agreement in Cancun," DE Boer said.
This is why Russia will continue its efforts to promote a legally binding agreement on international energy co-operation.
Earlier, Ban confirmed there is now no chance that the Copenhagen summit will produce a legally binding agreement, as there is too little time to work through all the complex details.
Last year, the international community failed to reach an agreement that included legally binding emissions reductions at a high-profile meeting in Copenhagen.
Despite tortuous negotiations in the run-up to the meeting, a binding legal agreement on greenhouse-gas emissions will not be struck.
Copenhagen will not produce a detailed, comprehensive, legally binding agreement.
If a claim is settled on behalf of a child or a patient, the agreement is not binding until it is approved by the court.
His comments came on the same day that the UK's energy and climate secretary, Chris Huhne, played down the prospects of a legally binding agreement at the talks, which open on Monday.
There are three basic types of written agreements, depending on the language of the agreement: agreements to agree, letters of intent, and a fully defined, binding agreement.
按照协议用语,书面协议分为三个基本类型:协议将来达成协议(agreementto agree)、协议意向书、以及说明详细且具备约束力的协议。
But she said a legally binding agreement could take up to a year.
An optimistic reading of events would be that the countries involved want some extra time because they are serious about reaching a strong and binding agreement.
Stern insisted that negotiators were intent on producing a blueprint in Copenhagen that would lead to a binding legal agreement "perhaps next year or as soon as possible".
Stern insisted that negotiators were intent on producing a blueprint in Copenhagen that would lead to a binding legal agreement "perhaps next year or as soon as possible".