After being spotted modeling by a producer, she was signed to a bit part in the European film Nederlands in?
After meeting in Swift's dressing room for 2010 rom-com Valentine's Day, in which she had a bit part, the pair never quite made it past a few months together.
"I'm not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster the Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009.
He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it.
It is the first time that she has taken part in a film shooting and she says it's a little bit difficult.
Rather, the first thing that isn't part of the body of a message must match the beginnings of the next possible object; a bit of reading back and forth reveals that it must be part of a header.
Skeptics suspected this was just a bit of election-year candy — and that may have been part of the plan.
Thereafter did this pilgrim heart make its acquaintance with that world, bit by bit, part by part, in many a mood and manner.
Drawing the last part of the pit wall profiles was a bit of a challenge.
Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money, but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs.
That's a bit of a mouth full, so let's take a look at each part of that pipe.
Which brings up the one part I struggled with a bit.
Animations and transitions in most of the current apps are a bit laggy/stuttery, even if for the most part, the apps are responsive and well designed.
One reason is that it was a bit-part player in the system of global imbalances that precipitated the slump.
Now, this is still a little bit cumbersome, in part because of the variables involved, s including s.
I think we are all capable of going after our dreams, but that does require a little bit of thinking outside the box on our own part - nobody is going to hand us a cookie-cutter dream job.
Somewhere along the line, the browser stopped being an application to view Web pages and the occasional bit of multimedia, and became a vital part of the daily workflow for millions of users.
The easy part of the rule is finished; now it gets a bit more complicated.
The design is a bit adventurous, and for the most part, it works, but it has a few major problems.
Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it.
We'll clean the application's visual appeal a bit in Part 2.
我们将在本系列的第 2 部分中全面讨论应用程序的外观。
I suspect Cambodia will have to come up with a bit of a delay on their part, "he said."
Audrey's bit part in Laughter in Paradise (1951) was spotted by a Paramount representative in London, who suggested she test for the role.
So in 1642, you see Milton softening a bit, in part because he's interested in getting married himself and, in fact he's married within a month of the actual publication of this treatise.
Children with CCHS can achieve and be part of society - they just need a bit of support.
The fighting is the most crucial part of the game, but, sadly, it's a bit hit or miss.
The fighting is the most crucial part of the game, but, sadly, it's a bit hit or miss.