Read the small print before you rush out to buy a tent, then read this gem of a book while you are sitting outside it enjoying the fine art of camping.
As I've worked on the draft of my Happiness Project book (self-promotion alert: it comes out in January), I kept a pile of all the print-outs I've made.
The Espresso Book Machine can print out about 145 pages per minute at a cost of about 1 cent per page.
This popular book of predictions and prophecies has been a bestseller for over 400 years, rarely going out of print since its initial publication in 1555.
Published in 1956 and out of print since 1986, "A Certain Smile" is something you may find in the remaindered bin at a used-book shop or priced at $1.99 on Amazon.
That book has been out of print for some years now, but there are probably a few copies knocking about in secondhand bookshops.
Some writers want to print out just enough copies of their prized project for colleagues and friends; others think they have a book that will sell to a larger audience.
Are you a hero or a villain? Duanwenw. com See your life spread out before you as if in print, in the pages of a book.
Are you a hero or a villain? Duanwenw. com See your life spread out before you as if in print, in the pages of a book.