Is there a Broken Needle Policy?
In Germany and other countries eggs used for cooking were not broken, but the contents were removed by making a hole from the end of each egg with a needle and blowing the contents into a bowl.
In our team clinic the injection needle used was with a broken coating and a barbed surface so it often hooked the muscles on my back out.
The pieces of my broken heart can pass through the eye of a needle.
Building relationship between individuals is like knitting a sweater. It is established needle by needle carefully and it's time-consuming. But it'd be broken up with only slight pull.
If the broken needle is submerged in deep tissue, a CT scan is a proper aid for locating it.
如果针头已陷入深层组织,可利用电脑断层扫描来定位 断裂针头的位置。
If the broken needle is submerged in deep tissue, a CT scan is a proper aid for locating it.
如果针头已陷入深层组织,可利用电脑断层扫描来定位 断裂针头的位置。