The post office entrance is inside a building complex with some other offices.
This paper describes how designer acquiring creative inspiration from local culture, creating a building complex, which has graceful form and cultural intension;
Thinking of the construction of a building complex based on the essential features of living in a strongly characterized time and place, we proposed an option to a mere speculative interest.
Building packages from source can be a very complex subject and is out of the scope of the article.
Building a strong foundation for the XML application can reduce the need for really clever (read: complex) coding farther down your development path.
Building a perfect recommendation engine is a very complex task.
It provides a layered J2EE framework for building complex enterprise applications.
It is the root of a fairly complex tree that can support building on different hosts for multiple targets.
This energy and building material comes from the breaking down of larger, more complex material, a process called catabolism.
It is a large, integrated commercial and traffic complex, providing catering, entertainment and exhibition services. It is also the largest single building of the Expo.
This provides a simple mechanism for you to deploy very complex test automation processes using a collection of well-tested, lower-level building block projects.
A single ant cannot do much on its own, but the colony as a whole solves complex problems such as building a sophisticated nest, maintaining it and filling it with food.
Moreover, no contractor would even consider starting construction on something as complex as a building without some sort of plan.
When building a complex scenario, develop it in increments, checking it as you go.
Now Beijing is to cement its love of musicals by building "China's new Broadway", a complex of 32 theatres to rival those of New York and London.
Jeff: I think there is probably some merit in using a process modeling tool, especially when you are building highly complex models.
With Rational Manual Tester, your team can focus on delivering a high-quality application while bypassing the typical complexities of building, executing, and maintaining complex and modular tests.
Time will show whether this simple set of resources and API will prove to be sufficient for building and using clouds or a more complex API set is going to be required.
While certainly attainable in code, building these fragments within a rule management environment allows better control and management of reuse, particularly where rules are dynamic or complex.
Shell scripts — When the wrapper you are building is particularly complex, a much better solution is to use a shell script that you can call in place of the original command.
The power of the building blocks can be leveraged to roll out complex, intelligent applications in a very compressed time frame.
Processes in CSP form the basic building blocks for complex systems -- one process can be wired up with one or more other processes (all set to execute in parallel) to form a network of processes.
CSP中的进程构成了复杂系统的基本构造块 ——一个进程可以同一个或多个其他进程连接起来(全都设置成并行的),从而构成一个进程网络。
However, there are a number of component types that, while they are useful building blocks for more complex applications, can also serve as complete applications themselves.
They all own a piece of the building - just as they own the town's steel mill, textile factory, greenhouse complex, ocean shipping company and other ventures.
The story notes that Jerusalem has issued a building permit for a 15-screen movie complex in the the same area.
Mother Nature follows the principle of redundancy by selecting a simple mechanism or module as a building block for a complex system and then using that module over and over again in other systems.
His model involves building no-frills hospitals using standardised designs, connected like spokes to a hub that can handle more complex ailments.
The Greensboro complex also includes a headquarters building that houses engineering, sales, support, marketing and administrative functions.
Models are intended to be reusable; there's no reason to spend a development team's valuable time on building a complex, detailed, but ultimately disposable artifact.
Models are intended to be reusable; there's no reason to spend a development team's valuable time on building a complex, detailed, but ultimately disposable artifact.