A can of milk powder have two 300, the last tens of thousands of kindergarten on the right.
It's incredible how long a cat can go without more than a lick of milk or water.
I can get a big bottle of milk from him.
Grains can be simply thrown in with a batch of milk for ripening to begin.
Another snooze snack is a warm cup of milk; because milk is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, it can sometimes aid in deep sleep.
"You can mix in yogurt or even make a fruit smoothie with some milk and a drop of chocolate or other natural flavors," Steendahl suggests.
You can even consider a breakfast of green salad with a glass of toned milk.
But mothers infected with HIV, the AIDS virus, face a dilemma: Because some of their virus can be shed in breast milk, babies risk becoming infected as they drink it.
Good genes can make even a cow worth a million dollars, assuming you can milk that out of a buyer.
The country's cows can produce as much as 37 litres of milk a day.
Under the Nursery Milk scheme, children under five can have a daily third of a pint of free milk in approved daycare facilities. But primary pupils have not had free milk since 1971.
Lack of drugs, specialist care or breast milk formula to actually prevent MTCT can lead to the belief that testing for HIV is a waste of time.
Can we drink a glass of milk that's safe?
Maybe some of you can see some white stuff but it's no longer milk-- really a clear liquid.
This is going to be a constrained area of land and amount of biomass, so how much transportation and greenhouse gas offsets can we milk out of this constrained land?
For example, say I want to go and buy a pint of milk for my cereal, and the shop is open, and I can get there, and I have money.
Can I get a bag of milk to go?
For this simple example, the grammar is a basic pick list of drinks; that is, the user can say one of "coffee," "tea," "milk," "soda," or the word "nothing."
Drinking sodas instead of milk can be a problem, especially during the teen years when rapid bone growth occurs.
Levels of iodine 131 entering the air can be very diluted, but if the iodine is deposited on grass eaten by cows, the cows will reconcentrate it in their milk by a factor of 1,000.
Levels of iodine 131 entering the air can be very diluted, but if the iodine is deposited on grass eaten by cows, the cows will reconcentrate it in their milk by a factor of 1, 000.
A cup of herbal tea or warm milk can also be soothing, but skip those if they cause you to wake at night to go to the bathroom.
It can contain dark or milk chocolate and have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder.
A new study suggests certain types of sugars found in milk may increase inflammation and oxidative stress, which can damage body cells.
You can also add a splash of almond or soy milk for a creamier texture.
You can also add a splash of almond or soy milk for a creamier texture.