The outbreak in Angola is the largest and deadliest on record for this rare disease, which is presently showing a case fatality rate higher than 90%.
The last outbreak in this region was in 1987, with a total of 305 cases and 145 deaths (case fatality rate: 45.4%).
From the week of 11-17 April 2005, the Ministry of Health, Senegal reported a total of 1187 cases and 14 deaths (case fatality rate 1.2%) in the country.
As of 6 June 2006, Angola has reported a total of 43 076 cases and 1642 deaths (overall case-fatality rate (CFR) 3.8%).
截止2006年6月6日,安哥拉共报告了43 076例和1642例死亡(总病死率3.8%)。
As of 28 September 2006, The Ministry of Health, Ethiopia has reported a total of 22 101 cases and 219 deaths (case fatality rate (CFR) 1.0%).
截至2006年9月28日,埃塞俄比亚卫生部总共报告了22 101例病例和219例死亡(疾病致死率(CFR)为1.0%)。
As of 28 September 2008, a total of 341 laboratory-confirmed cholera cases, including five deaths, had been verified (case-fatality rate: 1.5%).
As of 27 November, the Federal Ministry of Health reported to WHO a total of 530 cases, including 131 deaths, with a case fatality rate of 25.2%.
As of 23 May 2006, Angola has reported a total of 38 897 cases and 1437 deaths (case fatality rate (CFR) 3.6%).
截至2006年5月23日,安哥拉共报告了38 897例和1437例死亡(病死率3.6%)。
As of 16 May 2006, Angola has reported a total of 35 775 cases and 1298 deaths (case fatality rate (CFR) 4%).
截至2006年5月16日,安哥拉共报告了35 775例和1 298例死亡(病死率4%)。
As of 19 June 2006, Angola has reported a total of 46 758 cases including 1893 deaths with an overall (case fatality rate, CFR 4.0%).
Between 29 March and 10 May 2005, a total of 214 cases including 16 deaths (case fatality rate 7.5%) has been reported to WHO (see previous report).
2005年3月29日- 5月10日期间,已向世卫组织共报告214例,包括16例死亡(病死率7.5%)(见以前的报告)。
In addition to this high case-fatality rate, candidemia is also associated with a substantial economic burden, primarily due to an extended length of stay.
Radiographic Contrast Nephropathy is a common cause of acute renal failure in patients undergoing radiographic procedures that can increase hospitalization rate and case fatality rate.
AIDS is a highly specific malignant diseases, AIDS took place after the dangerous conditions, the current case fatality rate was 100%.
Results Rate of all-injury hospitalization increased yearly, from 1997 to 2001. The ratio of inpatient case-fatality declined over a 5- year period, with the total case-fatality rate of 1.64 %.
结果在1997~ 2 0 0 1年期间,广东省伤害住院率呈逐年上升趋势,医院伤害患者的住院死亡比例呈逐年下降趋势,5年的伤害总住院死亡比例为1.64%。
Acute pancreatitis is a multifactorial disease with multiple links, it has frequent morbidity and high case-fatality rate.
Acute pancreatitis is a multifactorial disease with multiple links, it has frequent morbidity and high case-fatality rate.