Cave-dwelling females form particularly large nursing colonies, choosing a spot with relatively high temperature and humidity where they gather in their masses to breed.
Mustapha guides the balloon up and alarmingly close to a 60-ft high cave dwelling. My silence is now based on fear but we drift by and upward.
Because a new study shows that cave-dwelling fish spend more time awake than their counterparts at the sunny surface.
最新研究显示相比生活在阳光下的鱼类来说,洞穴鱼类保持清醒的时间更长。 这项成果发表在《当代生物学》上。
Because a new study shows that cave-dwelling fish spend more time awake than their counterparts at the sunny surface.
最新研究显示相比生活在阳光下的鱼类来说,洞穴鱼类保持清醒的时间更长。 这项成果发表在《当代生物学》上。