While Thay sees following these trainings as a way out of the environmental mess we are in, he is not certain that people are yet ready to change their consumerist way of life.
Perhaps only those of you who might come from a small town in the south or from certain areas of Brooklyn would understand something about the supreme value of piety as a way of life.
What is certain is that as you become more enlightened, the idea of Ascension and all it brings will fulfill your dreams of a better way of life.
But a deeper inner peace requires cultivating a certain way of being with ourselves - a warm and nurturing attitude toward what we experience in life.
It also adapted the modern people life of quick rhythm method, can make the people's affection communicate and drain, thus responding a certain society in another way actuality.
Conclusion: HB has a certain character of familial assemblage. Contact in daily life is the main way of infection of hepatitis b.
Conclusion: HB has a certain character of familial assemblage. Contact in daily life is the main way of infection of hepatitis b.