She wanted to make a clean break with the past.
I'll start with the brief review of the reasons for the change that we really need to make a clean break to restart growth.
Instead of making a clean break, water evaporating from treetops tugs on the remaining water molecules, with that tug extending from molecule to molecule all the way down to the roots.
You must make a clean break with him.
I hope that these facts I have stated in this letter may determine you to make a clean break with your past and start afresh.
I suggest we make a clean break.
Never a clean break, none here to save me.
We must make a clean break with old ideas.
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
爱人啊! 如此藕断丝连让我陷入深渊可又无人拉我一把…
That means it's a clean break without complications.
She wanted to make a clean break from the organization.
Finally, Whitman needs to make a clean break with the past.
He needs to make a clean break with his old life and start afresh.
Score the column again in different place, and try for a clean break.
在不同的地方再割一次柱,尝试获是整 齐地划口。
I was shocked but at the same time, I feel it helped me make a clean break.
It's best we make a clean break, so please don't try to contact me at all.
Mr Obama may have hoped for a clean break from the past. He remains shackled to it.
In his view the little POTS are close enough to "represent a clean break" with previous Western experiments.
Her saying "make a clean break" It is out of our mind, is exactly what we want to pursue the perfect ending.
For Obama to succeed, they argued, the country needed to see his Inauguration as a clean break, a new sunrise.
Surinx represents a clean break from the past, using only JVM types and JVM dispatch mechanisms (like invokedynamic) to function.
Bad Banks create a clean break that enables the good bank left behind to get on with the real job of raising capital and lending it out.
Will it continue to carry the baggage of history, or will it make a clean break with past aggression. Ultimately, the choice is Japan's.
To ensure a clean break with other members of the association shall not have any relationship with the other members of the association together.
And then there are the years that come along once in a generation, the kind that mark a clean break from a troubled past and set a new course for our nation.
Some saw this as a reference to allegations that a few of MAN's employees had paid bribes to win contracts, and that by leaving Mr Samuelsson would allow a clean break with the past.
Some saw this as a reference to allegations that a few of MAN's employees had paid bribes to win contracts, and that by leaving Mr Samuelsson would allow a clean break with the past.