In addition, Ma Taobao still did not give a clear profit model.
This was not a clear profit model video site more difficult burden.
An entire forest might be clear cut, in the interest of making a profit, without a single tree planted in its place.
Secondly, the value chain, value chain services, banking services value chain, the service profit chain concept of a clear, expounded on the subject practical and theoretical basis.
It will be interesting to see how the cat jumps, now that his profit-making can no longer be reconciled with a clear conscience.
Currently, the vast majority of domestic social network service sites are facing the common problem: having not earned a profit yet and having not found a clear and effective profit model.
From the outcome of the testing, it makes clear that the system has high level of automation, intelligence and adaptability, and a wide application foreground and big economic profit.
From the outcome of the testing, it makes clear that the system has high level of automation, intelligence and adaptability, and a wide application foreground and big economic profit.