Just a few meters ahead, you run into a colonist who warns you not to go up the road.
Rolfe was a colonist in Jamestown, Virginia, the first successful English settlement in the Americas.
He married Jane Pierce, daughter of a colonist, and continued his efforts to improve the quality and quantity of Virginia tobacco.
With the cessation of transportation, the gold rushes of the 1850s and the influx of free settlers, a view of the ‘born colonist’ emerged.
Born to a poor Athenian colonist in Samos, Epicurus was neither wealthy nor aristocratic and apparently suffered from ill health for much of his life.
When your Marines or your colonist Allies approach the Logistics Headquarters (11), a pair of big armored Vikings suddenly drops in to defend it.
Boer is a Dutch colonist or descendant of a Dutch colonist in South Africa.
18 century's end to the mid-19th century, the British colonist established a civil service system in India for the sake of reinforcing colonial rule and plundering more wealth.
18 century's end to the mid-19th century, the British colonist established a civil service system in India for the sake of reinforcing colonial rule and plundering more wealth.