It's just something to remember: if you have a square matrix times a column vector, the product that makes sense is with the matrix on the left, and the vector on the right.
One thing that can be confusing about R's "everything is a vector" approach is that row-wise and column-wise operations may not adhere to your intuition.
关于R的 “所有东西都是向量”方式,容易引起混乱的一点是行操作和列操作可能不符合直觉。
A new method based on column vector average of the autocorrelation matrix without eigendecomposition is presented to estimate the channel vector.
In training phase, singular value vector of a lot of face image information matrix from face image sets constitutes face image sets characteristic matrix as a column.
This article analyzes a few profound concepts, such as companion matrix, line vector, column rector, orthogonal matrix, and recommend many qualities, which are difficult to grasp for many students.
For matrices, mean (X) is a row vector containing the mean value of each column.
对于矩阵来说,MEAN (X)是包含了每列平均值的行向量。
A times x, when I multiply a matrix by a vector, I get a combination of the column.
This paper reports a kind of two-dimensional combined vector hydrophone of resonant-column type in which a piezoelectric accelerometer are used as are sensing element.
This paper reports a kind of two-dimensional combined vector hydrophone of resonant-column type in which a piezoelectric accelerometer are used as are sensing element.